Saturday, November 10, 2012

Excerpt from Sandy – A Valentine Joseph
Sandy turned the oven on low to warm the macaroni pie, and the Bar-b-Q chicken then turned the burner on under the yellow rice. When she turned around her heart skipped a beat because Terrance’s mother was standing in the doorway to the kitchen.
“Do you need help?”
“No. I’m fine.”
“I told my husband you don’t need my help.”
“You’re right,” said Sandy starting to peel the potatoes to make the salad. She wished that Terrance would come home. She didn’t say anything else to Amy, just wishing that she would go back to the living room and sit with her husband, but that was not going to happen.
“Sandy I’ll get to the point.”
“Whether I want to hear it or not, you always do.”
“I know you are after my son for your Green Card. The last woman who did got away with it but you are very smart. You had a baby. I just hope it is his baby.”
“You are something else! What have I ever done for you to be so nasty to me?”
I know everything about you. I wonder if Terrance knows about Peter Frederick?”
“What did you say?”
“You heard me.” Sandy just stared at her. This bitch knew a lot about her life. “Are you going to answer me?”
“I don’t think you deserve to be answered.”
“Why? Are you afraid that I’ll tell him that you are a conniving little bitch?”
“It takes one to know one.” Amy did not say anything to that and Sandy continued talking. “You and I don’t have to pretend with each other. You don’t like me and I don’t like you. I’m going to stay away from you and you stay away from me and my son.” Sandy turned her back on Amy. She decided not to make this woman upset her day.
Half an hour later Terrance and the rest of the guests came home. Sandy was laying the table. Marlene took Christopher to his room to change him. Sandy followed her with a bottle for him.
“What is going on? You look upset.”
“Amy just told me off. Do you know she mentioned Peter?”
“Are you serious? What did she say?”
“I’m only with her son for my Green Card and she is sure that he does not know about Peter.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“She is a bitch. Let’s not make her spoil our day.”
“Do you want me to buss her ass for you? You know I’ll go to her house and do it.”
“Would you do her like we did Marion and her man?”
“Just like that and if Mr. Jones tries to stop me, I’ll buss his ass too.”
Sandy looked at Marlene and they started to laugh. “You would never change.”
“I can’t. This shit is so funny.”

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