Friday, September 3, 2010

“The Sneaky Smiles.”

Our staff meeting started and one of the workers, who was an acquaintance of mine, handed out copies of her presentation. I started reading it then I looked at her with eyes wide opened. She gave me a sneaky smile, while she spoke with eloquence. Our boss was shaking his head as though he was impressed. I was flabbergasted and my emotions were going to get the better of me, but I took some deep breaths. At one point, I couldn’t listen to any more and I wanted to walk out. Our boss raised his hand stopping her. He told her to give two or more courses of action. She stood there dumbfounded. “You want funding for your idea, but you cannot show the comparison between the costs, and the outcomes? I am going to give you an hour to come back with something worthwhile.” I stood up and informed him that I could make an effective comparison of the cost and the revenue that can be generated from it. He told me to go ahead. I smiled sneakily at her to let her know that I did not tell her all of the details of my proposal. When I was finished, he looked at her. “I don’t want you in charge of this project." He turned to me. “You are in charge, bring your folder and come to my office.”

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