Wednesday, September 29, 2010

“The Man Who Sells Munchies”

“It might just be human nature… just a human being mean. On her way home from school there is a man who sells candy, chips, etc. One day she purchased a small container of Pringles chips and the man charged her one dollar. “Mom, my school sells this container of chips for 50 cents,” she said.
“So why did you buy it? Was it because you had the dollar?”
“No. I bought it because I like Pringles chips.”
Yesterday while she was coming home from school, she told me she wanted to buy a container of Pringles. I asked her if she noticed that many children walk by the munchies stand and they don’t stop. Let’s look and see how many children would stop to buy. We walked slowly towards the stand. All the children that walked by looked, but they kept on walking. Four children eventually stopped and he took up an item one of the children asked for. The child looked at the item then counted his money. He was short by 4 cents, so the man put back the item...
“Did you see that?” I asked.
“Let’s go home,” she said.

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