Saturday, September 18, 2010

"The Devious Look.”

Rita and Cheryl worked with the same company and every time their paths crossed Cheryl grinned deviously. Rita always smiled, but would ask her what’s so funny. Cheryl always shakes her head, keep smiling then walk away. This went on for many months, causing Rita to feel very uneasy. It was as though this woman knew something about her. Rita knew that she did not have any skeletons in the closet, so she wasn’t worried. The only situation she had going on at that time was the hope for a better relationship. The one she was in had gone sour, and she wanted to end it; she was hoping and praying for the right reason to get out. All her family and friends believed that Raymond her boyfriend, was the best thing that had happened to her. When they were in the company of friends and relatives, he lavished his attention on her. She always took it all in, with a smile, not wanting to burst his bubble. Months later, the opportunity to walk away came like a thief in the night. During her lunch break, she left the office and decided to take a walk. Her walked took her to a street she never walked on. There were many stores, and she decided to go into a dress shop. While browsing, she heard Cheryl’s voice so she looked in that direction. Cheryl was talking and smiling happily at Raymond. He was sitting, smiling at her while she models a dress for him.

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