Wednesday, September 15, 2010


For the past few days, I stepped back in time… Way back in time… My refrigerator was not working. It really did not stress me out because I had a huge icebox, so I was able to keep the cold items at the right temperature… The stress of this back in time moment was my high speed Internet. It was off and my online service gave me dial-up until they could restore my service. You talk about stress… hmm. When I log on, I had to wait 10 minutes for the page to load. I started emailing some pictures. One picture took 6 minutes to load. The second picture got timed out before it could load, so I had to start the process all over again. It took me three and a half hours to send 15 emails…
To all my followers, I am so sorry I did not blog, but I am back…

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