Thursday, September 9, 2010

“Mind Control”

He spoke with authority and she agrees with every thing that he says. Her children, takes second fiddle to him. What ever he says goes. He is the king in their home… a dominating and abusive man. He dishes it out, physically and mentally. I am her friend, watching from a distance. As a teenager, she was a gentle spirited person, yet she had a mind of her own, but today the king is in charge of it. Her king is a liar, a thief and a tyrant. I also have to say he is ignorant… and what is ignorance? hmm… bliss to a fool! I watch him walk and speak with clout and I know he feels blissful. This fool is laying the gravel on the road to misery and she is helping him pave it. Mind control works on people who don’t think.

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