Thursday, September 23, 2010

“Cookies For Twenty-five Cents”

“How could you look into a child’s eyes and refuse him/her food?”
My son’s first grade teacher sent a note stating that she was going to give cookies to her class. The students had to bring in 25 cents every Monday, and she would give them 2 cookies per day. I always put the money in an envelope, write my son’s and his teacher’s names on it and what the money is for. Two weeks went by and every thing was going smoothly with the exchange of money for cookies. One day, when I picked up my son, he looked stressed. I asked him what was going on. He said every thing was fine. The next day, he looked the same and the day after he broke down in tears, because I insisted that he tell me why he was upset. He said that his teacher gave everyone in his class cookies and she did not give him any for the week. He also told me that he gave her the envelope with the money. Thursday morning, I put three cookies along with his sandwich and juice in his lunch box. Later that day, I paid a visit to his teacher. I relayed his story to her, and she told me that he did not give her the money. She turned and asked him what he did with it. He told her that he gave it to her, and she put it under the mat she had on her desk. She lifted the mat, and there was the envelope with the 25 cents…

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