Thursday, September 16, 2010

“fOoLiSh ThInGs Us PaReNtS dO” 4

I was waiting on my turn to use the ATM in a bank. All the machines were being used. A little girl about seven or eight was walking around haphazardly. She eventually stood next to a woman who was using one of the machines. The woman was concentrating on what she was doing, and she didn’t notice the child looking at her every action. When she saw the child she said, “Excuse me, please move.” The child made no attempt to move she just kept staring at the woman, who looked shocked. A woman behind me said, “Who is this child’s mother?” No one answered and she asked the question again. Still no one answered. The woman stepped out from behind me, pointed at the child and said, “Get your little ass from there. You are too damn nosy.” “Don’t speak to my child like that!” shouted a woman. “I will speak to her like that. She has no manners. You saw your child being a nuisance and you stood there, ignored that fact. You have no decorum… no class what-so-ever!” she shouted while walking towards the woman. The woman was trying to move away then she grabbed her daughter’s hand and walked quickly out of the bank. Some people were commenting and some were laughing. It was a funny yet serious situation. Many people were making comments. One person suggested that the woman probably put her daughter up to it so she could get someone's account information.

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