Monday, September 20, 2010

“His Sister… Hmm”

There was no apparent reason to go to his apartment because he was at work, but since he gave her a key, she decided to surprise him with dinner. As she shopped, she felt excited to see the look on his face when he arrives home. When she arrived at his home and opened the door, she heard his voice. She put the bags in the kitchen then walked to the bedroom, and called his name. Standing in the bedroom was a beautiful woman, dressed in sexy lingerie. He was lying on the bed exposed, looking bothered to see her.
“Who is she?” asked the woman angrily and she looked as though she was about to pounce on her.
Shocked but yet poised she said, “No… no I’m so sorry. I am his sister and I came to bring the things he asked me to get at the grocery. I’m leaving now”. She walked out of the apartment feeling very hurt but thinking realistically… she whispered. “I don’t know how it happens to me… Why it happens to me… some people would say that I was at the right place, but at the wrong time. I know I was at the right place at the right time… I’ve got a flair for adventure, and the flair, to embrace the truth."

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