Monday, February 1, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (100) It Provokes the Feeble Spirit.

Ah did get meh first chain letter when ah was in elementary school an’ it frighten me, so ah start to write de 20 letters, ah had to send out. Meh fadder did see me doin’ it an’ he ask me wat ah was doin’. Ah give he de letter to read an’ he say, “Dis is shit! Doh do it. Throw it in de trash.”    Ah said, “No daddy ah go die if ah doh send out de letters.” “Do yuh believe in God?” He ask me.        “Yeah,” ah say.    “Did yuh ever read any prayers dat say yuh hav’ to do somet’ing other than pray to our fadder in heaven to get a blessin’?”   “No.” Ah say.      “Dat letter is a chain letter. To praise de devil an’ we doh pray to de devil so doh send dem out. Throw it away, say yuh prayers, go to bed, an’ yuh go wake up in de mornin’.”    Ah did wah he say, an’ ah did wake up de next mornin’, so dat was de end of dat. If yuh want yuh chain letters to keep goin’, doh send it to me. Chain letters doh get links from me. 

I got my first chain letter when I was in elementary school and I was scared, so I started to write the 20 letters, I had to send out. My father saw me, and he asked me what I was doing. I gave him the letter to read. He said, “This is shit. Don’t do it. Throw it in the garbage.”   “No daddy I could die if I don’t send out the letters. He said, “Do you believe in God?”      “Yes,” I said.          “Did you ever read any prayers that say you have to do something other than pray to Our Father who art in heaven, to get a blessing?”   “No.” “This letter is a chain letter. To honor the devil and we do not pray to the devil so do not send it out. Throw it away, say your prayers, go to bed, and you will wake up in the morning. I did what he said and I did wake up the next morning. I never took part in the chain letter fiasco so that was the end of my fears. If you want your chain letters to keep going, do not send it to me. Chain letters don’t get links from me. 

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