Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (101) I do not Sugar Coat anything for Children especially if they have a Sound Mind.

 De name of some roads should be change from Avenue, Street to highway. At times every driver does drive real fast on de road. One day ah was walkin’ on a street headin’ to a Avenue. Some boys was standin’ by de traffic light by de corner of de Street, waitin’ to cross over de Avenue. One of dem suddenly dashed across de Avenue, in front of two speedin’ cars. De driver of one car swerve away from him towards de car on de opposite side. De other car swerved towards de sidewalk to avoid de car dat was comin’ towards him, an’ then all de cars stop. De car drivers’ did yell at de boys, buh de boys was laughin’.     “Oh meh God! Why did he do dat?” Ah say. He friends was clappin’ an’ shoutin’ real happy because he got across de road safe. De boy was smilin’ and then he start to coax de others to do it. One of dem was gettin’ set to do it, so ah had to say somet’ing to dem. Ah cross de road real quick, stand by dem an’ ah say, “Ah could ask all yuh ah question? Dey say yes. “Do you guys love yuh mudder or anyone in yuh family?” Dey was shock by de question buh dey all say yes. Then ah say, “Do yuh all kno’ how heartbreakin’ it go be for dem if yuh get hit by a car an’ died? If yuh doh care how heartbroken yuh relative go be, yuh should run across de street an’ get yuhself kill.” Dey crossed de Avenue when de lights change to walk. When we got to de other side of de road, ah did feel to talk to de thrill seeker. “Do yuh love yuh mudder?” He say yes. “Do yuh kno’ how she go feel if yuh get hit by a car an’ died?”     “She go cry,” He say.          “Well if yuh feel like makin’ she cry every day for weeks, months an’ years, then do de same shit yuh did a while ago.”   “Miss, ah real sorry.”     “Doh do dat again.”      All de laughing stop. Every mornin’ after dat, dey say good morning to me, stand an’ wait until de light change to walk. 

The name of some roads should be change from Avenue or Street to Highway. Every driver, drives at a terrific speed at times. One day, I was walking on a Street towards an Avenue. Some boys were standing by the traffic light waiting to cross the Avenue. One of them suddenly ran across the Avenue, in front of two speeding cars. The driver of one car swerved away from him towards the car on the opposite side. The other car swerved towards the sidewalk to avoid the car that was coming towards him, and then all the cars stopped. The drivers of the cars, shouted at the boys, but the boys were laughing.    “Oh my God! Why did he do that?” I whispered. His friends were congratulating him because he got safely to the other side. He started to dare them to do it. One of them was getting ready to do it, so I had to intervene. I quickly crossed the street, stood by them and I said, “Can I ask you all a question?” They said yes. “Do you guys love your mothers or anyone in your family?” They were surprised by the question, but they all said yes. Then I said, “Do you know how heartbreaking it will be for them if you got hit by a car and died? If you do not care how heartbroken your relative would be, then run across the street and get yourself killed.” They crossed the Avenue when the lights change to walk. When we got to the other side, I said to the thrill seeker “Do you love your mother?” He said yes. “Do you know how she would feel if you got hit by a car and died?”        “She would cry,” He said. “Well, if you feel like making her cry every day for weeks, months and years then do the same shit you did a while ago.”  “I am sorry,” He said.      “Don’t do it again.” All the laughter ended. Every morning after that situation, they would politely say good morning to me, stand and wait until the light changed to walk. 

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