Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Trinbagonians Talk (115) We have to go back to Basics.

Ah hope yuh kno’ me eh no doctor, buh ah hav’ to re-post meh home remedy for a cough, sore throat an’ a fever. Cinnamon tea. When meh breddas, meh sistas an’ me get a fever, cough, or sore throat, we mudder or we fadder use to give we Hot Cinnamon Tea to drink. Dey use to boil 1 stick or a piece of cinnamon for 15 minutes in two cups of water, pour it in a coffee cup an’ add brown sugar or honey to sweeten it. We did drink it an’ a little while later we used to sweat plenty. Meh mudder an’ fadder use to tell we dat we was sweatin’ out de fever. We did feel better after a while.

Please note I am not a doctor, but I have to re-post my home remedy for a cough, sore throat and a fever. Cinnamon tea. When my siblings and I had a fever, cough, or sore throat, my mother and father used to give us Hot Cinnamon Tea to drink. They boiled 1 stick or a piece of cinnamon for 15 minutes in two cups of water, pour it into a coffee cup, and sweeten it with brown sugar or honey. We used to drink it hot and a few minutes later we would start sweating a lot. My parents used to tell us that we are sweating out the infection. Drink it hot. It will make you sweat out the infection. After a few hours, we felt better.

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