Thursday, February 25, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (116) A Creepy Moment that makes me Wonder about the man in the Black Suit.

It was a strange an’ creepy minute. Ah was speakin’ on de phone to meh husband when he was in, we landlord office. We doorbell start to ring, so ah tell he to hold on. Ah look through de peep hole an’ ah did see a slim, tall white man. He was in a black suit an’ a black hat was on he head. Somebody else was wit he, buh all ah could see was one sleeve of a black jacket. “Who is it?” ah ask he.   “Ah from de insurance company. Yuh landlord send me to look at yuh apartment.”     (Ah was doubtin’ dat?) Hold on.” Ah say an’ ah move away from de door, then ah tell meh husband about de man.     “Leh me ask if de landlord send he.” Meh husband say. When he did come back on de phone he say, “Doh open de door! He did not send dat man!”    Ah tell he alright an’ ah went back to de door. Ah was feelin’ funny, buh ah did want to kno’ who dis man was. “Sir, yuh sure meh landlord send yuh?”  “Yeah. Ah jus’ come from seein’ he. He is in de hospital. He son is wit he. Two days now he in de hospital.   Ah did want to tell he dat he was lyin’, buh ah say “Mister, ah hav’ meh landlord on de phone, leh me ask he to make sure he send yuh.”          “Miss, yuh doh hav’ to do dat! Goodbye!”  Ah look through de peep hole an’ ah see de man an’ he pardner hurryin’ down de steps to get outside.

It was a bizarre and creepy moment. I was talking to my husband while he was at our landlord’s office. Our doorbell started ringing, so I told him to hold on. I looked through the peep hole and there was a slim, tall white man dressed in a black suit and a black hat was on his head. There was someone else with him, but all I could see was one sleeve of a black jacket.  “Who is it?” I asked.    “I’m from the insurance company. Your landlord sent me to look at the layout of your apartment.”  (I was thinking “… really?”) “Hold on,” I said and I moved away from the door, then I told my husband about the man.  “Let me ask the landlord if he sent that man,” My husband said. When he came back on the phone, he anxiously said, “Do not open the door! He did not send him!” I told him okay and I walked back to the door. Although I was feeling a bit anxious, I wanted to know who this man was. “Sir, are you sure my landlord sent you?”    “Yes. I just came from seeing him. He is in the hospital. His son is with him. He has been there for two days.”  I wanted to shout at him that he was not speaking the truth, but I said, “Sir, I have my landlord on the phone, let me ask him to make sure that he sent you.”       “Miss, that is not necessary! Goodbye,” The man said as he and his co-conspirator quickly ran down the steps and headed to the exit.

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