Thursday, February 4, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (103) An Eerie Night

De night was dark, de moon was not out, an’ not a single star was shinin’ in de sky. We were walkin’ home from a late-night movie. De five of we was talkin’ about de movie an’ de parts dat did frighten we. A crossroad was a little way ahead of we, an’ ah did see somebody standin’ on one of de roads leadin’ to it.       “Do yuh all see somebody in de road?” Ah ask.      “Yeah,” Dey say.  “Wah time it is?” Ah ask dem. One of meh friens say dat it was 3 o’clock in de mornin’.    “Yuh guys kno’ dat dis is de time when people does do necromancy?” “Yuh did not hav’ to remind we of dat,” One of meh friens say.     A ‘oman was standin’ in de road. When we did get close, she did start to walk to de middle of de crossroad. We all stop walkin’ an’ she did stop too. From de moment we start walkin’ again, she start to walk too. De ‘oman stand up in de middle of de road, blockin’ we way.”     “All yuh kno’ dat ‘oman?” Ah ask.    Dey all say no. De hairs on meh han’ did stan’ up an’ a funny feelin’ come over me. De road dat we were on was a short cut to whey we live. We was only 5 minutes away from we homes. Ah start to walk backwards an’ meh friens follow me. De ‘oman start to walk backwards to whey she was standin’ before. Dat night we had to take the long way home, buh we all ran real fast.

It was a dark night. There was no moon and no stars in the sky. We were walking home from a late-night movie. The five of us were talking about the parts of the movie that scared us. In the distance, there was a crossroad and I saw someone standing on one of the roads that led to it. “Do you guys see someone in the road?” I asked.     “Yes,” they all said. “What time is it?” I asked. One of my friends said that it was 3:00am.      “You guys know that this hour is the witching hour?”     “And you had to remind us about that,” said another one of my friends. A woman was standing in the road. As we got closer, she started to walk towards the middle of the crossroad. We all stopped and she stopped. The moment we started walking again, she started to walk. She stood in the middle of the road, blocking our way.         “Do you guys know that woman?” I asked.   They all said no. My pores raised and my blood ran cold. The road that we were on was a shorter route to where we lived. We were 5 minutes away from our homes. I started to walk backwards and my friends followed me. The woman started to walk backwards to where she was originally standing. That night, we took the long way home. It took us a short time to get home because we all ran as fast as we could.

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