Sunday, January 31, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (99) A Woman, A Bird, A Creepy Moment

 One day, ah was on meh way to Elementary school. De sun was shinin’ real bright an’ a light breeze was blowin’. A few other school children was way in front of me. A little further in front of de school children, a ‘oman was standin’ up lookin’ in de bush. De children in front of me walk by she an’ dey look at she. Dey stop walkin’ an’ dey look at de bush for a bit, buh then dey start back walkin’ again. When ah did get near de ‘oman she say in a creepy voice, “Why yuh followin’ me?”      “Ah slow down an’ ah say, “Ah not followin’ yuh,”     “Me eh talkin’ to yuh! Ah talkin’ to dat bird!” She say an’ she point she finger at a bird dat was on a branch. De bird was lookin’ at de ‘oman an’ she went on talkin’ to it. “Every whey ah go, yuh does be dey. Last Sunday mornin’ yuh did fly in de church an’ yuh make a raucous! Stop followin’ me!” De bird kept on lookin’ at de ‘omen. All de hair on meh han’ did raise up an ah start to run fast to school.

One day, I was on my way to Elementary school. The sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. There were a few other school children in front of me. Along the road in the distance, there was a woman standing looking in the bushes. The children in front of me walked by her and they looked at her. They stopped walking and looked at the trees for a moment, but then they continued walking. When I got near to the woman, she said in a loud screeching voice, “Why are you following me!?”    I slowed my pace and I said, “I am not following you.”       “I’m not talking to you! I am talking to that bird!” She said and she pointed a finger at a bird that was sitting on a branch. It was looking at her and the woman continued talking. “Everywhere I go, you are there. Last Sunday morning, you flew into church and you disrupted the service. Stop following me!” The bird just kept on looking at the women and my pores raised. I was frightened, so I ran the rest of the way to school.

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