Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (77) You are not God’s Gift

If yuh see a man wit a woman, doh feel dat yuh is de better woman for he or if yuh see a woman wit a man, doh feel dat yuh is de better man for she. Doh forget dat at all! At all! Do be hell bent on tryin’ yuh best to be in she life or to be in he life. He did not pick yuh. She did not pick yuh. Doh come between dem an’ their partner. If yuh come between dem, yuh go hav’ to work real hard to make de t’ing work. Before yuh kno’ it, all yuh go mash up.

Remember if you see him with a woman do not decide that you are the better woman for him. If you see her with a man, do not decide that you are the better man for her. Do not be hell bent on worming your way into her life or his life. You were not his choice or her choice. Do not come between them because you will have to work extra hard to make the relationship work. Before you know it the relationship will come to an end.

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