Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (85) Coronavirus didn’t stop Skullduggery

We are livin’ in a world dat is full of people who are tricksters an’ does tell stories. Yuh does hav’ to mind yuh business. Any time somebody give yuh a envelope wit’ money for a payment, doh put it away before yuh count it. Yuh must count it in front of dem. Dis is to make sure dat de both of allyuh is satisfy, wit yuh business deal. Enjoy yuh day an’ be safe.

We are living in a world filled with lots of liars and swindlers you just have to pay attention. Any time someone gives you an envelope with money, for a payment, do not put it away before counting it, in front of them. When you do this, you are making sure that you both agree with your transaction. Enjoy your day and be safe.

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