Monday, January 4, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (76) Mind your Business and be Sanitary

African people yuh kno’ dat yuh go be de last people to get any kind of help so doh step out of yuh lane. Dem people in charge go rough yuh up an’ yuh could end up bruise, feelin’ small or dead. De brute beast go get a pat on de back by de person in charge of dem. Wear yuh mask, be sanitary an’ stay 6 plus feet away from others.

African people you know you are the last people to get any kind of help so don’t step out of your lane. Those in charge will manhandle you and you will end up battered, belittled or dead. The brute beast will be given a pat on the back by the person in charge. Wear your mask, be hygienic and stay 6 plus feet away from other people.

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