Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (79) When Your heart Ugly

One day a vagrant who was dress in dingy clothes, was standin’ outside a store. He was not botherin’ anyone. De owner of de store—a very offensive man, said to de poor man, “Why de hell, yuh doh move yuh ugly ass from here!?” De poor man look at him an’ he say, “Son yuh callin’ me ugly? God did not make nobody ugly, buh when yuh heart ugly, yuh does see people as ugly.

One day a homeless man who was dressed in drab clothes, was standing outside a store. He was not bothering anyone. The store owner —a very insulting man, said to the poor man, “Why the hell, you don’t move your ugly ass from here!?” The poor man looked at him and he said, “Son you calling me ugly? God did not make anybody ugly, but when your heart ugly, you does see people as ugly.”

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