Monday, March 16, 2015

Please do not get taken in by the offenders, villains, felons and as the old folks in Trinbago used to say, “dem damn crooks.”

I just got a phone call from a man who said that he was from the federal government and my phone number was picked for a federal grant of nine thousand dollars.
“My phone number?” I asked.
“Yes. Is this Allison Joseph?”
“I am calling from the federal government grant department,” He said in a heavy East Indian accent.
“You are from the United States Federal Government?”
“Yes. My name David Williams.”
“Your name is David Williams?” I asked as warning bells started to go off.
“Yes and I have $9,000 dollars for you. How do you want it?”
“Send me a check/cheque.” I was chuckling softly because this man sounded like a crook.
“Okay, so what is your name and address?”
“You called me so I am sure you have my name and address.”
“I have it, but you have to tell me so we could prove it is you.”
“Tell me the name and address that you have and I would tell you if it is correct,” I said.
“No. I need your information.”

“Okay I will give it to you, but can you hold on for a moment. I am going to call a friend of mine who works for the FBI to find out if you are authentic.” I suddenly heard dial tone. 

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