Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ecclesiasticus 12:8-12 — Sirach 12:8-12

In our prosperity we cannot know our friends; in adversity an enemy will not remain concealed. When a man is successful even his enemy is friendly; in adversity even his friend disappears. Never trust your enemy, for his wickedness is like corrosion in bronze. Even though he acts humbly and peaceably toward you, take care to be on your guard against him. Rub him as one polishes a brazen mirror and you will find that there is still corrosion. Let him not stand near you, lest he oust you and take your place. Let him not sit at your right hand, lest he then demand your seat. And in the end you appreciate my advice, when you groan with regret, as I warned you.
The word of the LORD… Thanks, be to God.

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