Friday, March 13, 2015

I do not sugar coat anything for children especially if they have a sound mind.

The name should be changed from Flatbush Avenue to Flatbush Highway. Everyone drives on that road at a terrific speed. One day I was walking on the left side of Albemarle Road towards Flatbush Avenue. Some boys were standing at the light on the right side, at the corner of Albemarle Road and Flatbush Avenue. One of them suddenly dashed across the street, in front of two speeding cars. The driver of one car swerved away from him towards the car on the opposite side. The other car swerved towards the sidewalk to avoid the car that was coming towards him, and then all the cars stopped. The men shouted at the boys, but the boys were laughing.
“Oh my God! Why did he do that?” I said.
His friends were cheering him on because he got safely to the other side and he was daring them to do it. One of them was getting set to do it, so I had to intervene. I quickly crossed the street, stood by them and I said, “Can I ask you all a question?” They said yes. “Do you guys love your mothers or anyone in your family?” They were surprised by the question, but they all said yes. Then I said, “Do you know how heartbreaking it would be for them if you got hit by a car and died? If you do not care how heartbroken your relative would be, then run across the street and get yourself killed.” They crossed the street when the lights change to walk. When we got to the other side I said to the thrill seeker. Do you love your mother? He said yes. Do you know how heartbroken she would be if you got hit by a car and died?”
“She would cry,” He said.
“Well if you feel like making her cry every day for weeks months and years then do the same shit you did a while ago.”
“I am sorry.”
“Don’t do it again.”
All the laughter ended. Every morning after that situation, they would politely say good morning to me, stand and wait until the light changed to walk. 

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