Thursday, March 19, 2015

“A story but true” A Valentine Joseph. Part 1}
“A story but true” A Valentine Joseph. Part 2}
“A story but true” A Valentine Joseph. Part 4
Gerald arrived home and he went into the sitting room. Carmen was in the kitchen cooking and helping the children with their homework. He was not ready to face her so he went into the sitting room. His daughter said, “Mom, I need help.”
“Hold on honey, let me lower the fire and cover the pot then I would be right there.”
There was a moment of silence then he heard Carmen explaining the work. When she was finished his son asked for help. In her cool calm tone she helped him, did not get angry when he wasn’t following the method, just patiently explained it until he understood.
Gerald thought about his wife and her loving, kind ways. Every time he needed to talk about his stressful day, she would listen to him although she had a rough day. The little aches and pains he sometimes gets on his body she would massage without complaining. She was 5feet 6inches, got a little overweight after having the children, but was still stunning. Her naked body still turns him on and sex with her always leaves him satisfied. He sat tearfully asking himself, “What reason did he have to go outside of his marriage?
Jennifer was pretty, polite and dignified, but she was not satisfying to him or a conversationalist. He did have a moment of fun with her, but the fun left him with a dreadful feeling. He did lie to Jennifer and he was trying to avoid her, but he did not know how to end it. Now that it has ended he is living with a dreadful feeling. He knew that his wife would leave him, if she finds out. He decided not to tell her and he hopes that Jennifer doesn’t.
Carmen and the children started laughing. Hearing them brought a smile to his lips and he wiped his face then went to the kitchen.
“Hi guys,” he said.
 “Daddy,” The children shouted.
“Hey. I’m happy you are home,” Carmen said. He smiles sadly. “Are you okay?”
“Yes. I’m happy to be home. This is for you,” Gerald said handing Carmen a gift wrapped box.
“For me, what’s the occasion?”
“It’s for all the things that you do for me and the children. We love you.” The children agreed with him.

“I love you all too.”

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