Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I might be sounding like a broken record, but I love children and I do not like them to be hurt. Be very careful where you let your child/children pick up snow!

April 22 would be 26 years since I am living in the US and I have seen and heard a lot. The seasons come and go. I cannot stand the heat. Loved winter, but today I must say that I had enough.
After snow falls the area looks pristine. It gives you a feeling of a place that is pure, immaculate, not yet ruined by human or animal encroachment, but you would be surprised.
When my son was three we were holding hands and walking in the snow. A woman behind us was coughing. It was a rattly kind of cough. She walked by us then she spat a junk of yellow cold. It hit the snow and I watch that yellow thing fall on the white snow, slipped in and disappeared. The snow looked like new…. Spotless!
I said, “Paul, did you see that?”
“You see why I always told you that the snow is nasty and I would take it off of a car to give you?”
“Remember never to take it from the ground.”
When my daughter was 2, she was eating chocolate while we were walking in the snow. When we got to the building we lived in, I told her to spit on the snow near the building. The chocolate colored saliva hit the snow and it slipped in. The snow looked spotless.
“Did you see that?”
“It gone,” Sarah said.
“Yes and the snow look clean, but it is not. Do not take it up from the ground.”


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