Wednesday, April 23, 2014

“Sad Affair”

I wish people would stop posting that video of the mother beating her 12 year old daughter. Yes this child did something upsetting, but I believe we as parents have to look at ourselves and see where we went wrong. My daughter was on FB when she was thirteen and her grades dropped drastically. We talked about it, her account was closed and although she is going to be 17, she is still off. She said when her friends tells her about the drama that takes place between them on FB, she doesn’t want to get into that mess.
Stop giving that woman star power and embarrassing that child. This child is faced with double jeopardy, but then it is more than doubled because now all the friends, strangers etc., that she comes in contact with may, laugh, snicker, ridicule, bully etc., How is she going to face the days ahead? I wish her strength and courage to face it. A sad, sad affair…

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