Saturday, April 26, 2014

“Listen More Talk Less”

Listen more to your children then talk to them. There are times I feel as though I talk a lot and it is very tiring. Other times I say to myself, I am not saying a damn thing to them. I am going to let them make their mistake and deal with it, but that only last for a moment, because it always goes wrong. Patience is a virtue that teaches you to shut up and listen. I believe if you have children you have to have patience.
When listening to your child/children, you will hear outrageous things, and you may be surprised, but just breathe. Breathe and listen, making sure you hear all that has taken place. After you hear it all, if you know that you are going to hit the roof, shouting and cussing, just wait a moment. Say nothing.
If your child say, “You are not saying anything? Say something.”
Just say, “I need to digest this, take it all in and think about it then we will talk.”
It will be the hardest thing to do, but just walk away. Walking away would help you to deal with the situation in a diplomatic way. This will build trust so when the next situation comes along, and another will come, but your child/children would feel confident to come and talk to you…
A wonderful safe day to you…

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