Tuesday, April 22, 2014

“Every dog has His day”

An associate of mine was self employed and a very smart woman. A friend of mine who was starting off her business, mentioned the associate and how she was impressed with her business sense.
Since they were in the same type of business, I decided to introduce them. “I know her. Do you want to meet her?”
“Yes that would be great.”
I immediately introduced them. Their business dealings went smoothly, but the associate started to show me her cold shoulder. When I inquired why she was being that way, she was evasive, so I changed the conversation. We talked for a moment, but it was a bit tense. Weeks later I mentioned to my friend that I made three phone calls and I also emailed the associate, but she did not return my calls or emails.
“I also phoned her a couple of times, but she did not respond. She is probably very busy,” My friend said.
“She probably is,” I said.
Months later I realized that they have been communicating and are now business partners. As the old folks in Trinbago used to say, “Every day fuh t’ief one day fuh watchman.” I know the kind of person my friend is, so I am standing by calmly watching this situation play out…

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