Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My mother passed away yesterday. She was 89 years~ My memories of her~

It started with a sore throat and I did not tell my mother. I went to school and took a tin of strepsils. The moment your throat starts hurting, you know how often you swallow… I swallowed pretty often and the pain was excruciating so I sucked strepsils after strepsils. Eating was out of the question, so I missed breakfast and lunch. All during my classes, I felt sleepy and I couldn’t wait to go home and straight to bed. The moment I arrived home, I hit the bed. Sleep took over and I was dead to the world. My mother woke me up an hour later and asked me what was wrong because I never sleep during the day. I told her about my sore throat. She told me to sit on the bed then, she touched my throat on either side and said, “Open your mouth and stretch out your tongue.” I did and she looked into my mouth. “Your pallet is touching your tongue. (She meant my Uvula) I can fix it,” She said.
“Ok,” I said but I did not believe her.
She mixed salt and black pepper together, dipped some on the handle of a spoon, then told me to open my mouth wide and stretch out my tongue. I did and she touched my Uvula. I felt it moved and I started to cough, ran to the bathroom and spit in the sink. Then, I swallowed. The pain was gone and I started eating… Stay tuned for the next episode of “My Mother is a Doctor”

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