Monday, April 7, 2014

“Loveless People”

When we started dating he would buy me gifts or do this and that for me without asking him too. I would always say, “I don’t like gifts or you shouldn’t have.”
He would say, “I wanted too just because of who you are to me.”
One day after work in the city, we went to dinner then we took a walk, window shopping. I saw a pair of black jeans and I said, “That is a nice jeans. I am going to buy it. It will go great with a black shirt that I recently bought.” That Saturday night when he came over he had the jeans. I said, “I forget to buy them on Friday and I decided that I would buy them when I leave work on Monday. Why did you buy them?  You shouldn’t have. Let me give you the money for it,” I said, going to get my handbag.
“I love you. You said you love me, but do you?” He asked.
I was a little perplexed as I said, “I do love you with all my heart and soul.”
“Then why do you always say no to everything I do for you?” He said looking hurt.
“I told you I do not like gifts.”
“Yes you did, I did not think you were serious... You never told me why.”
“The people I know would give or do something for me and they act as though they sincerely wanted to give or do it. If we have a disagreement or if they feel dissatisfy with me, they would start talking to people about all that they did for me. In many instances they were not truthful about some of what they said. The hardest thing is to try to defend yourself after someone says something awful about you. It hurts so I stopped accepting gifts and help from anyone.”
“I love you and when you love someone you give from your heart. You let it go~ You do not talk about it, even if you have a disagreement or the relationship ends. I feel insulted every time you say no to me. I am not those loveless people… 

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