Saturday, April 19, 2014

My mother’s funeral is at St. Marks Anglican Church, Point Fortin this morning. I did not make the trip because of health reasons.

It hurts that she passed and I feel sad, yet comforted that she is at peace, no longer in distress.
When my father passed from a myocardial infraction — Massive heart attack, I was studying at Medgar Evers College. The weirdest thing about that, is that the course study, that week, was about the heart. From the moment I was told how he died I knew he was dead before he collapsed. I felt as though someone hit me a blow to my chest, knocking the air out of me. The pain was so severe all I could do was cry, hoping that the heartache would go away, but it lingered on. When my favorite brother passed I felt that heartache again because I did not expect him to die so soon. Mom is at peace and I know she is going to meet so many relatives and friends on her journey home. It would be a wonderful walk.

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