Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Secrets are the lies that destroys families.

My favorite things must be in my home otherwise my family knows that they would see the other side of midnight. There must be~ Crix biscuits, cornflakes, bitters, mustard, cinnamon, garlic and pepper sauce… 

“Heavy Rain”

Rain, rain and more rain~  Heavy at time~ 36 hrs of it is expected. It is snowing in some parts of the US so all I  am going to say about that is, “God knows what I love so thanks to him, for the rain. Love it.
A wonderful safe day to you and yours…

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A prayer for all those under doctor care.

I pray that God will be your doctor’s hands, eyes and focus~ All procedures will go in your favor. A wonderful safe day to you and yours…

Monday, April 28, 2014

“Exploitation Of Children”

Can you please take down the videos you posted of those innocent children who are portrayed in suggestive sexual situations... wining and gyrating their innocent bodies. Please do not involve yourself in the exploitation of children. Do not make yourself look like a child molesters, pedophile, pervert!

A prayer for all exam takers.

I pray that God will be your hands, your eyes, your focus~ All the right answer to the questions flow through your mind and you answer correctly. Amen and AMEN.

A blessed safe day to you and yours and remember~ Let your foot be seldom in your neighbor’s house. He will become weary of you and hate you. Prov. 25:17

Sunday, April 27, 2014

I was 6 year when Jimmy Ruffin sang, What Becomes Of The Broken-hearted. This record was play a lot in our home and I liked it. The first song I heard this morning on the radio. I Love it.

As I walk this land of broken dreams, I have visions of many things, but happiness is just an illusion, filled with sadness and confusion. What becomes of the broken hearted, Who had love that’s now departed? I know I’ve got to find, Some kind of peace of mind. Maybe.
The fruits of love grow all around. But for me they come a tumblin’ down. Every day heartaches grow a little stronger, I can’t stand this pain much longer! I walk in shadows, Searching for light. Cold and alone, No comfort in sight. Hoping and praying for someone to care, Always moving and goin’ nowhere. What becomes of the broken hearted. Who had love that’s now departed? I know I’ve got to find, Some kind of peace of mind. Help me.
I’m searching though I don’t succeed, for someone’s love, there is a growing need. All is lost, there’s no place for beginning, All that’s left is an unhappy ending. Now what becomes of the broken-hearted, who had love that’s now departed? I know I’ve got to find, Some kind of peace of mind, I’ll be searching everywhere, Just to find someone to care. I’ll be looking everyday, I know I’m gonna find a way. Nothing gonna stop me now, I’ll find a way somehow…

Saturday, April 26, 2014

“Listen More Talk Less”

Listen more to your children then talk to them. There are times I feel as though I talk a lot and it is very tiring. Other times I say to myself, I am not saying a damn thing to them. I am going to let them make their mistake and deal with it, but that only last for a moment, because it always goes wrong. Patience is a virtue that teaches you to shut up and listen. I believe if you have children you have to have patience.
When listening to your child/children, you will hear outrageous things, and you may be surprised, but just breathe. Breathe and listen, making sure you hear all that has taken place. After you hear it all, if you know that you are going to hit the roof, shouting and cussing, just wait a moment. Say nothing.
If your child say, “You are not saying anything? Say something.”
Just say, “I need to digest this, take it all in and think about it then we will talk.”
It will be the hardest thing to do, but just walk away. Walking away would help you to deal with the situation in a diplomatic way. This will build trust so when the next situation comes along, and another will come, but your child/children would feel confident to come and talk to you…
A wonderful safe day to you…

Friday, April 25, 2014

So many children are posting videos of themselves in suggestive situations, gyrating and taking off their clothes. When we post these videos, we are giving them what they want... Publicity. It is very sad that these children think that this is going to make them popular. It is actually taking them to the gutter.

A blessed safe day to you and yours.

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 30:31.

“They Really Don’t Know”

John Public doesn’t know the state of your liver unless you tell them the state it is in. God put it inside hiding it from John Public, but when ah tell you some of them does talk so convincingly about you, you does have to wonder if what they are saying is true. I does have to tax my brains as I say, “Wait ah minute, did I do that? Did that really happen?” Then Trinbago sayings does start to fly out of my mouth, “One day, one day congotay. Today for me~ Tomorrow for you.”…

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

“Sad Affair”

I wish people would stop posting that video of the mother beating her 12 year old daughter. Yes this child did something upsetting, but I believe we as parents have to look at ourselves and see where we went wrong. My daughter was on FB when she was thirteen and her grades dropped drastically. We talked about it, her account was closed and although she is going to be 17, she is still off. She said when her friends tells her about the drama that takes place between them on FB, she doesn’t want to get into that mess.
Stop giving that woman star power and embarrassing that child. This child is faced with double jeopardy, but then it is more than doubled because now all the friends, strangers etc., that she comes in contact with may, laugh, snicker, ridicule, bully etc., How is she going to face the days ahead? I wish her strength and courage to face it. A sad, sad affair…

Stop bellowing at your children~ Talk to them in a calm tone, then listen~ You will get more information out of them…

Psalm. 115:1, 14 Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to Your name give glory, because of your kindness, because of your truth and love. May the LORD bless you more and more, both you and your children.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

“Every dog has His day”

An associate of mine was self employed and a very smart woman. A friend of mine who was starting off her business, mentioned the associate and how she was impressed with her business sense.
Since they were in the same type of business, I decided to introduce them. “I know her. Do you want to meet her?”
“Yes that would be great.”
I immediately introduced them. Their business dealings went smoothly, but the associate started to show me her cold shoulder. When I inquired why she was being that way, she was evasive, so I changed the conversation. We talked for a moment, but it was a bit tense. Weeks later I mentioned to my friend that I made three phone calls and I also emailed the associate, but she did not return my calls or emails.
“I also phoned her a couple of times, but she did not respond. She is probably very busy,” My friend said.
“She probably is,” I said.
Months later I realized that they have been communicating and are now business partners. As the old folks in Trinbago used to say, “Every day fuh t’ief one day fuh watchman.” I know the kind of person my friend is, so I am standing by calmly watching this situation play out…

Sunday, April 20, 2014

“Happy Easter”

Speak to me~ I’m not a beast~ Be truthful~
A blessed safe day to you and yours.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

My mother’s funeral is at St. Marks Anglican Church, Point Fortin this morning. I did not make the trip because of health reasons.

It hurts that she passed and I feel sad, yet comforted that she is at peace, no longer in distress.
When my father passed from a myocardial infraction — Massive heart attack, I was studying at Medgar Evers College. The weirdest thing about that, is that the course study, that week, was about the heart. From the moment I was told how he died I knew he was dead before he collapsed. I felt as though someone hit me a blow to my chest, knocking the air out of me. The pain was so severe all I could do was cry, hoping that the heartache would go away, but it lingered on. When my favorite brother passed I felt that heartache again because I did not expect him to die so soon. Mom is at peace and I know she is going to meet so many relatives and friends on her journey home. It would be a wonderful walk.

Friday, April 18, 2014

My mother was a doctor. She passed away. My memories of her. I had a very bad sore throat. My mother grated a green tomato, put it in a glass with two teaspoons of salt and then she let it stand for half an hour. It sprang water and she pored it into another glass then she told me to gargle it. I did and within fifteen minutes I realized my sore throat was gone.

My mother was a doctor. She passed away. My memories of her.

When I was growing up in Trinidad and Tobago, every elderly woman/man was a doctor… I always listened to my mother when she was conversing with our neighbor. I had to make sure my mother did not see me if I wanted to listen in on her conversations. If she caught me, those green eyes would look at me angrily and then she would say, “The words from my mouth have no color/colour! Go from here! Ah go deal with you later!”
I would walk away as fast as I could, but I would find a spot where I could hear the conversation.
One morning our neighbor was telling her that she was going to the doctor because she was having; headaches, blurred vision and dizziness.
“Girl you don’t have to go to the doctor for that… You have high blood pressure. Cut down on salt.”
Our neighbor said that she did cut down on salt but it did not help... Her head still hurts and she had blurred vision. .
“Get some Bois Canon –Bwah-kah-no leaves boil them and drink a cup of it for nine days… Tell me how you feel after.”
The neighbor turned back and went under the Bwah-kah-no tree and she picked up some leaves… Two days after, she started drinking it she told my mother that she was feeling better than ever... 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My mother passed away yesterday. She was 89 years. My memories of her.

My friend and I were walking and talking about the kind of day we had in school. The sun was shining brightly but a sudden shower of rain came pouring out of the clouds. There was no place to shelter from the rain so we continued walking. We were both dripping wet when we got to our prospective homes. My mom told me to get out of my wet clothes and to dry my hair. I did and I felt fine. Later that night, I started to feel very cold and I got under my cover, but I was trembling. My sister told my mother. She came to the bedroom and she touched my forehead. “You have ague… a very high fever. You need to sweat out that infection.”
My mother handed me a hot cup of cinnamon tea that was sweetened with brown sugar. She made sure I drank all of it then she told me to get back under the cover… I started to sweat and my clothes were becoming wet so I asked her to come out from under the cover. She told me that I needed to stay a little longer. Eventually she changed my clothes and I felt cool… the fever was gone…

My mother passed away yesterday. She was 89 years. My memories of her.

At a tender age, I suffered with bronchitis. When I coughed, my chest hurt and I become breathless. I hardly ate, and my body was a tiny frame. My mom would feed me a little soup every day… I was sure it tasted good, but my mouth had no taste… One night, I was coughing a lot and my mother’s assistant –my father, rubbed my chest, back, throat and the under my feet with Vicks. Then, he told me to put a little bit of Vicks in my nostrils, then a little bit on my tongue and swallow it… My mother dressed me in a flannel vest, my nightie and socks. I used to be very upset when I got this sick because I knew my mom was going to take me to the clinic. The medical practitioner at the clinic would give me the most horrible tasting cough syrup. I don’t know why they think that over sweetening medicine would make it taste better. Every time she came into./ the bedroom with the bottle of cough syrup, I complained… I felt a little better, but the tightness in my chest was still there, and I was still coughing. My mom said, “It’s been eight days since you have been sick. You haven’t eaten a proper meal since.”
“I am not feeling hungry.”
“The build up of mucus is causing you to feel this way. I want to give you a medicine that will make you feel better, but it taste horrible. Do you want it?”
I was tired of being sick, so I said, “Yes”
“It will make you vomit, but you will feel better after.”
 “Would you stay with me when I start vomiting?”
“Yes. I would be right by your side.”
“I will drink it,” I said.
My mother went to the back of our house and she picked some leaves from a sirrio tree. I sat at the kitchen table and watched her wash the leaves, put them in a piece of brown cotton, rest it on the cutting board and pound it with a pestle. When she was finished, she squeezed the liquid out in a glass. It was dark green in color. She stirred in a little salt then handed me the glass.
“Drink all of it,” she said.
I did not wait; I drank it… It did taste horrible, and I felt nauseous. For more than an hour, I felt this way… Eventually, I felt like vomiting, so I ran to the bathroom… What came out of me was past horrible, but my mother stood next to me and she rubbed my back…When I was finished, I looked at her and smiled…
“How are you feeling?”
“I am feeling much better, but very hungry.”

My mother passed away yesterday. She was 89 years~ My memories of her~

It started with a sore throat and I did not tell my mother. I went to school and took a tin of strepsils. The moment your throat starts hurting, you know how often you swallow… I swallowed pretty often and the pain was excruciating so I sucked strepsils after strepsils. Eating was out of the question, so I missed breakfast and lunch. All during my classes, I felt sleepy and I couldn’t wait to go home and straight to bed. The moment I arrived home, I hit the bed. Sleep took over and I was dead to the world. My mother woke me up an hour later and asked me what was wrong because I never sleep during the day. I told her about my sore throat. She told me to sit on the bed then, she touched my throat on either side and said, “Open your mouth and stretch out your tongue.” I did and she looked into my mouth. “Your pallet is touching your tongue. (She meant my Uvula) I can fix it,” She said.
“Ok,” I said but I did not believe her.
She mixed salt and black pepper together, dipped some on the handle of a spoon, then told me to open my mouth wide and stretch out my tongue. I did and she touched my Uvula. I felt it moved and I started to cough, ran to the bathroom and spit in the sink. Then, I swallowed. The pain was gone and I started eating… Stay tuned for the next episode of “My Mother is a Doctor”

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Therefore let us no longer judge one another, but rather judge this, that you should not put a stumbling block or a hindrance in your brother’s way… Romans 14:13

“Did This And That”

The person that you keep saying that you did this and that for or you give them this and that… STOP for a moment and think why you did it in the first place.
This person must have done something meaningful for you hence the reason you opened your hands to them… Remember kindness is a gift~ It is a blessing~ The measure you give, is the measure you receive.
I believe that we are; scrutinize, inspected, examine, pore over, analyzed, dissected and searched by God and our angels~ More so during the Lenten season….

Monday, April 14, 2014

“Romanticizing 133 Years Ago”

High Noon on Flatbush Avenue and Beverly Road, midday today. One shot in the leg and another shot in the head…

We are back in the 1800… The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral took place at about 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 26, 1881, in Tombstone, Arizona Territory. , and is generally regarded as the most famous gunfight in the history of the American Old West. 133 years ago and I believe some people are romanticizing this time~ wanting it back —EERIE!..

“Don’t Want To Walk The Stage”

My son said, “I graduated from Day Care, Pre K ---Kindergarten, 5th Grade, Junior High, High School, and an Electrical Course. I had enough. College is going to mail me my certificate.”
“Why, we all want you to walk the stage~ Graduate.”
“No. I had enough of that.”
He turned and walked away, and that was that. As mother I wanted the pomp an circumstances, but I understand his choice…

A wonderful safe Holy Week to you and yours.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

“Happy Palm Sunday”

I Love this time of the year and this is why.
Master, Redeemer, Savior of the world.
Wonderful, Counselor, Bright Morning Star.
Lily of the valley, Provider, and friend,
He was yesterday, He’ll be tomorrow, The Beginning and The End.
But the angel called Him Jesus, born of a virgin.
Mary called Him Jesus, but I call Him LORD.
Jehovah, Messiah, Mighty God and King.
Bread of Life, lasting words of love that I sing.
Light and darkness, Door to heaven, my home in the sky,
He’s The Fountain of Living Water that never shall run dry.
But the angel called Him Jesus, born of a virgin.
Mary called Him Jesus, but I call Him LORD. (The Rambos

Saturday, April 12, 2014

“When your house good, bad house does call you… oui.”


I love the Lenten season. Holy week is the best week of the year for me. Tomorrow is Palm Sunday — Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem ~ The beginning of Holy Week. I love the nostalgic feeling lent gives me, but Good Friday takes the… not the cake… the buns. My taste buds are acting up right now for Hot Cross Buns and a hot cup of tea. I did cut down drastically on sugar, but those Hot Cross Buns are not going to miss my taste buds.
A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Friday, April 11, 2014

“I say yes to equal pay.”

“If WOMEN Walk Away”
She is the support~ The back bone of life~
She is the majority~ In everything that is significant in life~
If WOMEN walk away~ If WOMEN stay away~ If WOMEN distance themselves from~
The home~ WIFE/MOTHER…
That will be the end of life! Oh what a catastrophe that would be…
Some men have no respect for women. If we did not decided to go through with our pregnancy their asses would not be hear to trash us. I hate when GROWN ASS MEN start talking for women. Women brought you in this world so have some freaking respect. Only if you have a vagina you should talk…

I say if she is doing the same job as a man, she should be paid the same salary. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014


“Have you ever noticed that some people never see the good in you, they always see the bad in you, and sometimes the bad is what they made up?”

“Dog Number On The Sidewalk”

The first thing I have to say to you today is, “Enjoy your day and be safe.”

I know I complained about this, but there is number on the F~ing sidewalk this morning. The law needs to be enforced. People need to be charged for not picking up their dog’s number. I believe the shit becomes a bio-hazard. Picture it. When the number dries, it crumbles becoming dust, the wind blows it around and you breathe it in. Oh what the… Jesus.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

“I feel sad for all those involved in this situation especially the young boy”

Our children are dying~ Getting into very alarming situations. A young boy set a mattress on fire in a building at Coney Island on Sunday. Two police officers were overcome by smoke and carbon monoxide. They were both taken to the hospital in serious condition. One of the police officer died this morning. Now another one of our children’s life is destroyed. Lord have mercy…

Let your foot be seldom in your neighbor’s house. He will become weary of you and hate you. Prov. 25:17

Women, think carefully before you say yes to that affair. After all the excitement you will be treated unfairly and your lover would ignore you.
A video of a married Republican Senator embracing and kissing the district scheduler —(also married), at the Republican’s congressional office in Monroe, Louisiana. He was in a real lip lock with her.
The Senator apologized got a pat on his back and the District scheduler was laid off… 


There is a shortage of Bacon~ You know that meat form hog that is salted, dried and sometimes smoked. To top it off the price is going up. Not bacon. That shit is upsetting.
A blessed safe day to you and yours.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

“Ah Shame For Trinbago”

Let me tell you how shame ah feeling. I heard so much heartbreaking, unholy things about Trinbago, but it did not make the morning news in America. Yes there were stories about Trinbago since I migrated 25 years ago, nothing outlandish, but I heard one this morning. The moment I put on the TV, the first thing I saw on Channel 7 ABC Eye Witness News ... On March 20, 2014 Yudishtir Maharaj flew from Trinidad with frozen packages of curry goat which were tested positive for cocaine. The street value of the cocaine is about $1.8 million.
That Prime Minister and her clique are the worst style of government that ever ruled Trinbago.

Monday, April 7, 2014

“Loveless People”

When we started dating he would buy me gifts or do this and that for me without asking him too. I would always say, “I don’t like gifts or you shouldn’t have.”
He would say, “I wanted too just because of who you are to me.”
One day after work in the city, we went to dinner then we took a walk, window shopping. I saw a pair of black jeans and I said, “That is a nice jeans. I am going to buy it. It will go great with a black shirt that I recently bought.” That Saturday night when he came over he had the jeans. I said, “I forget to buy them on Friday and I decided that I would buy them when I leave work on Monday. Why did you buy them?  You shouldn’t have. Let me give you the money for it,” I said, going to get my handbag.
“I love you. You said you love me, but do you?” He asked.
I was a little perplexed as I said, “I do love you with all my heart and soul.”
“Then why do you always say no to everything I do for you?” He said looking hurt.
“I told you I do not like gifts.”
“Yes you did, I did not think you were serious... You never told me why.”
“The people I know would give or do something for me and they act as though they sincerely wanted to give or do it. If we have a disagreement or if they feel dissatisfy with me, they would start talking to people about all that they did for me. In many instances they were not truthful about some of what they said. The hardest thing is to try to defend yourself after someone says something awful about you. It hurts so I stopped accepting gifts and help from anyone.”
“I love you and when you love someone you give from your heart. You let it go~ You do not talk about it, even if you have a disagreement or the relationship ends. I feel insulted every time you say no to me. I am not those loveless people… 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

“Only In America”

When I was living in Trinidad, we had a dog named Bruno. One thing I could say about Bruno is, he never did his numbers on the walk way or in the yard where anyone could see or walk on it. Since I  have been living in America —Queens, New Jersey and Brooklyn I always have to walk zigzag on some streets because of the amount of dog numbers on the sidewalk… All the people who leave their dog numbers on the sidewalk are just nasty…

“Happy Sunday”

On this beautiful Sunday, the start of a new week I wish you and yours the best things that life has to offer. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Wisdom 5:6-13

We, then, have strayed away from the way of truth, and the light of justice did not shine for us and the sun did not rise for us. We had our fill of the ways of mischief and of ruin; We journeyed through impassable deserts, but the way of the LORD we knew not. What did our pride avail us? What did wealth and its boastfulness afford us? All of them passed like a shadow and like a fleeting rumor; like a ship traversing the heaving water, of which, when it has passed, no trace can be found, no path of its keel in the waves. Or like a bird flying through the air; no evidence of its course is to be found—but the fluid air, lashed by the beat of pinions, and cleft by the rushing force of speeding wings, is traversed: and afterward no mark of passage can be found in it. Or as when an arrow has been shot at a mark, the parted air straightway flows together again so that none discerns the way it went through—even so, we, once born abruptly came to nought and had no sign of virtue to display, but were consumed in our wickedness…

“Every skin teeth is not a laugh”

They can say it with a smile. Even chuckle, but those hurtful words still hurts and that emotional pain shatters the spirit…

Friday, April 4, 2014

“Stormy Friday”

I woke up this morning. Thanks be to God. It is a stormy cold Friday, but I am not going to let it get me down. What ever the weather is in your part of the globe, be safe. A blessed day to you.

The fool takes no delight in understanding, but rather in displaying what he thinks~ Prov. 18:2

In his mind a man plans his course, but the LORD directs his steps. Prov 16:9

Some friends bring ruin on us, but a true friend is more loyal than a brother. Prov 18:24

The eyes of the LORD are every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. Prov 15:3

“There are six things that the LORD hates. Yes seven are an abomination to him”

Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that plots wicked schemes, feet that run swiftly to evil. The false witness who utters lies, and he who sows discord among brothers. Prov 6:16-19

Thursday, April 3, 2014

I heard that when God cast out the devil he landed in Les Coteaux, Tobago. I believed that because Les Coteaux claims to have its own personal “jumbie” —Spirit, ghost, demon. I believe that the devil, took the boat, from Tobago, and he landed in Trinidad!… “What the… JESUS!”

“A Sad Sad Affair”

The latest about yesterday’s shooting in Fort Hood, Texas., The shooter was a soldier who suffered brain injuries from a tour in Iraq. He was being treated for mental health issues. It is so sad how soldiers would serve this country and come home with lots of situations and are ignored.

“Say I Love You”

When I end a conversation with people close to me, I always end with I love you, but it puts them in a position to say it to me and that is wrong. There are times I can hear how hesitant many of them are to say it. So today my “I love you” is limited to a few so all those who don’t love me, I know you and you know who you are because you’ve trashed me. I wished you had told me how you felt instead of sharing it with Tom, Dick and Harry~ Joan, Janet, Linda etc. Now you are wondering which one of them told me what you said…

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Guns, Guns, Guns

Shootings at Fort Hood Texas. 8 people wounded. The amount of gunslingers around, you have to wonder where is safe.

“Quotes To Think About”

I will listen to anyone's convictions, but pray keep your doubts to yourself. ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing. ― Camille Pissarro (1830-1903)

Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another. George Eliot (1819-1880)

“Donkey Eye”

A seed that looks like a donkey eye. I know Trinbagonians remember the donkey eye. I remember we used to rub it on a hard surface and it gets real hot. Some people used to touch others with it and they would get a burn. I used to rub it, but I never touched anyone with it and no body ever touched me with it. Yesterday my daughter had a donkey eye moment. A child rubbed a pen then touched her on her hand with it. My daughter got a very small burn on her hand and she was upset. The person who did it was immediately suspended. My husband and I talked about it and memories of the donkey eye situation popped up into the conversation. After talking to her, we knew that a suspension is not the right thing to do, so we requested that it be cancelled. “Why make a mountain out of a molehill? We all do stupid things and I expect that from children~ From adults is another story…

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

“Just like your brain the internet never sleeps”

I keep reminding my daughter to be very careful what she posts on the internet. Make sure that she does not have a problem with the whole-wide-world seeing it. Also be careful of the kind of selfies she takes. If anyone ask her to take sexually explicit pictures and send it to them, then that person does not love her. They do not have her best interest at heart.
In most cases the person never keeps the pictures to themselves. The childish part of them kicks in and they start showing the pictures to anyone who wants to see. They also post them on the internet. Now you become an international porn star. You could delete them and you would not see them, but it is still there. It never goes away. The internet is an open book that never closes… 

“One O’clock”

I went to bed around 8:30pm. The moment my head hit the pillow I fell asleep. Your brain never sleep so I was thinking what I should do when I woke up. This thought was going around and around in my brain. I got up at 1:00am, put on my track suit and walking shoes then I hit the road. I walked for a mile, got a good sweat, changed, showered and then I hit the bed again. I woke up at 4:45am feeling refreshed.
I hope today is a better day for you than yesterday. Enjoy and be safe.