Monday, March 28, 2011

“One Crazy Situation”

On one of my holiday trips, my sister and I were standing in line waiting to be checked by immigration. A woman came up to us, and she put her suitcase next to mine. She stood next to it and completely ignored us. Her suitcase was the same brand, color and size like my own. I did not say anything to her, but I looked at my sister and opened my eyes wide, giving her a heads-up that something was wrong with this situation. As we moved up, the woman moved up as though she was with us. At one point, she picked up my suitcase. I told her to put it down.
“No! I’m going to help you!” she said.
“I don’t know you, and furthermore I did not ask for your help!”
“Well, I want to help you!”
“No! Put down my suitcase!”
“You are an ungrateful person. I am trying to help you and you are turning down my help.”
“Yes I am ungrateful and you are a thief!” I shouted and I pulled my suitcase out of her hand…

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