Sunday, March 6, 2011

“An Eventful Day”

Yesterday was an eventful day. I was faced with a lot of foolishness. Some of it was thrown out of my mind, as just hogwash. There were two situations that were also hogwash, but I had to label these to as claptraps. These two situations had me more flabbergasted and fuming. I felt as though I should slap the foolishness out of the perpetrators.
The day started and I felt good, thanking God for making me see another day. There were some things that I had to buy that were needed immediately. I walked from store to store on either side of the street, inquiring if they had the items. I got most of the items but there was one that I did not get. I was becoming anxious but I did not give up. I went into another store and I asked the casher. He put in the name of the item on the computer to check if they had it. I anxiously waited and hoped they did then he said, “We have it.”
“I said, “Yes! Can I have a pack?”
He told me to hold on then he started typing on the computer and I stood there for five minutes. I thought he was looking to see where the item was stored so I waited patiently.
“It’s coming on Monday,” he said.
“What!” I exclaimed.
“I just ordered it and they told me it would arrive on Monday. Take a looked at the order confirmation.”
I sucked my teeth and walked out of the store. This man had to be brainless.
As I walked along the sidewalk, fuming a woman passed me at a faster pace than my stride. She suddenly crossed in front of me pulling a backpack on wheels. We collided and I stumbled forward crashing into her… “You almost threw me down!” I exclaimed.

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