Friday, March 18, 2011


My daughter bought a big Hershey Cookies and Cream Chocolate. She took a piece then put the rest in the refrigerator. One thing with her she is a slow eater when it comes to her snacks. Her other snacks we always leave alone, but this was Chocolate... hmm. Chocolate is one thing my husband and I have an addiction too so it wasn't our fault. We left it alone for three days then I took a piece. Now I would not say how big the piece was... I did not see when he took his piece, but last night; which was three days after we ate it she went to the fridge and exclaimed... What! Look at the small piece of chocolate! Who ate my chocolate! Her brother said, "Don't look at me. You know if it was Milky Way then you could point at me." She looked at me... "Mom it's you!" I looked at her, did not answer but tried to keep a straight face...

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