Thursday, March 17, 2011

“A Beautiful Nostalgic Moment”

A nice brightly lit sky… The sun shining in all its glory… I remember a day like this… Was standing in line, just before dawn, at Piarco International Airport in Trinidad. I was with some friends waiting to get on a flight to Tobago. The weatherman said that it was going to rain. We didn’t care; we got on the plane to Tobago. When the plane landed, we headed to Pigeon Point Beach. The sun came out, and by midday it was blazing in a cloudless sky… Not one drop of rain. We spent the day on the beach… What a fun day it was… Went to Buccoo Reef, snorkeled, then we swam in Nylon Pool… After all the swimming, we ate curry crab and dumplings… Nostalgia is coming at me full blast. I’m looking through the window and I’m thinking. “O what a nice sunny, warm day it is for the beach…” Ha! I’m only dreaming. It’s cold like hell out there!

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