Friday, March 11, 2011

“No Room For A Blind Man”

He stood in the doorway with two bags in his hands, because he was leaving her.
“I am an important business man and I cannot be with a woman who is not on my level. The woman I am seeing has a master’s degree and she is a CEO.” She hid in a corner eavesdropping. Her mother was crying and begging her father to stay but he was adamant. The woman was sitting outside in her car waiting on him. Suddenly, there was a loud gasp outside. “Why did you do that?” she asked. Her father ran out of the house and they followed him. He grabbed onto her brothers. One of them was eight years and the other was ten. The eight year old threw a hand full of stones at the woman’s car.
“Which one of you did it?” Her father asked, but they didn’t answer. He started shouting at them then the ten year old said that he did it.
“Do you see what you did? You damaged her car. You are a wicked and destructive child!” He slapped him then turned to their mother. “I can no longer live with you and these children! Goodbye!” He took up his bags and left. Her mother’s tears flowed for a little while longer then she wiped her eyes, took a deep breath and stopped crying. That was the last time she saw her cry. Her father sent money every month. She felt that her mother should use the money, but she saved it, started working then bought a house. After they moved in and settled down, the woman pulled up in front of the house with her father and called out to her mother... “Mrs. James, come outside and get your husband. There is no room in my life for a blind man.” Her mother went outside and took her father’s hand and brought him into the house. He was crying…

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