Thursday, March 24, 2011

“A Compulsive Shopper”

“Every time I call your cell phone, you are out shopping.”
“You call me at the same time every Friday and you know on Fridays I treat myself nice.”
While I was speaking to her, someone was trying to get her attention. She told me to hold on so I waited and listened to the conversation.
“We just got these boots. They come in black, brown and burgundy.”
“Those are nice. Please bring me a size 7 in brown,” said my friend then she started talking to me. “Girl, Susan just showed me a 4 inch stiletto heel boots. I am going to buy me a pair.”
“The sales rep. I am going to buy me something nice.”
“Okay, but do you need another pair of boots? You know you said that you were going to start saving?”
“I know but…” She was interrupted by another sales rep. “This handbag would be ideal to go with those boots.”
“These jeans and this blouse,” said yet another.
“You know what guys. You all know my size and taste in clothes so just bring me whatever you know I would buy.”
I waited for her to start talking but there was silence for a moment. Then, I hear her talking to the sales rep… “I am working hard for my money so I can spend it if I want too. My friend is trying to talk me out of shopping.”
“I hate when people do that,” said one of the sales rep… I hung up the phone…

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