Saturday, March 19, 2011

“The Love Moon”

Heard my parents say that the moon controls the sea. Tonight–3/19/2011, the moon will swing around Earth more closely than it has in the past 18 years. The tide is going to be high. Some Astrologers are calling it a bad moon, a troubled moon. For me it’s a love moon. I can picture my loved ones and me, in Trinidad &Tobago, standing outside looking up at this huge moon. We would stay out all night until the crack of dawn, talking and laughing. Just enjoying this time that is saturated with love. I actually miss my father. He was a romantic for moments like these. If the moon was in eclipse he would wake us up to go outside to see it. On the first day of the year he would wake us up ten minutes before twelve to go outside. His reason; you must never let the New Year meet you sleeping and/or inside your home. On a night like this he would be the first one to say, “let’s go outside…

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