Thursday, March 31, 2011

“Because Of Love”

You let some things slide by the wayside and you don’t pick them up… You come home for that last piece of cake and it was eaten… You smile and say, “that’s okay,” although deep down inside, you are pissed. Your most expensive cherished item is ruined, but you say don’t worry about it sweetheart, although in your mind you are saying “damn!”

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

“Do Not Disturb Me”

While she was praying, her son came to her and told her that he was hungry. “Can I please have something to eat?”
She grabbed his hands and pulled him towards her. “Can’t you see that I am praying? Don’t you ever disturb me when I am praying! I will fix you breakfast when I am done!”
She shook him and his eyes welled up with tears.
His big brother looked at him and he felt hurt, so he motioned for him to come. He took him into the kitchen and he started to fix him his breakfast. Their mother came into the kitchen. “How dare you make him breakfast, after I told him to wait!” She shouted. Then she slapped him… His eyes welled up with tears…

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

“A Glorious Feeling”

The sun is so bright I could film a movie with out having to use man made lights.... God is lighting up this place so bright it gives me a glorious feeling... I am not going to get upset that the weatherman said ice rain on Saturday...
Thank God for making me see another day... for lightening up the sky so brightly, for calming my spirit, for being able to walk, talk, eat, think, type, my vivid imagination to be working clearly, to appreciate the cold, sunny spring morning, and to be able to post this... A blessed safe day to all…

Monday, March 28, 2011

“One Crazy Situation”

On one of my holiday trips, my sister and I were standing in line waiting to be checked by immigration. A woman came up to us, and she put her suitcase next to mine. She stood next to it and completely ignored us. Her suitcase was the same brand, color and size like my own. I did not say anything to her, but I looked at my sister and opened my eyes wide, giving her a heads-up that something was wrong with this situation. As we moved up, the woman moved up as though she was with us. At one point, she picked up my suitcase. I told her to put it down.
“No! I’m going to help you!” she said.
“I don’t know you, and furthermore I did not ask for your help!”
“Well, I want to help you!”
“No! Put down my suitcase!”
“You are an ungrateful person. I am trying to help you and you are turning down my help.”
“Yes I am ungrateful and you are a thief!” I shouted and I pulled my suitcase out of her hand…

Sunday, March 27, 2011

“Winter In Spring”

I love tree and I was excited when the weatherman said that the first day of spring is here. Every day my excitement grew because I was looking forward, to the trees blossoming. No luck in that department because here comes winter again… 'Winter in Spring'. It is a sunny day, but it is cold, cold, cold… hmm!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

“Some Things You Don’t Want To Hear”

At the moment when your heart is filled with fear there are some things you don’t want to hear…
I was cleaning and I was absorbed in what I was doing. My son was on his laptop… I just finished cleaning the bedrooms and walked down the corridor when I heard a noise as though someone was walking behind me. I assumed it was my son so I did not look back. When he did not say anything I looked behind me. No one was there… My pores raised and I called out to my son. He was sitting in the living room. I told him I heard someone walking behind me and I thought it was, him. He said, “I did not move from where I am. Don’t you know that this place is haunted?”
“Mom you heard me.” He had a smile on his face.
“Are you serious?”
His smile got bigger.

Friday, March 25, 2011

“I Am Stepping Outside Of The Box Today”

I went to a meeting last night and it was very informative. The NYS ELA (English Language Arts) is going to be very intense this year. (May 3rd & 4th) More questions were added to the test. Please note parents, that, your children are not too young to read. I am not blowing my trumpet here, but I started teaching my children to read from a tender age. At age 3 they were both reading at 3rd grade level. My son was into books, but my daughter was into the comics in the Daily News. Years later she moved on to the news. We had to buy the newspapers every day. Listed below are sixteen reasons why they love to read…


1. Ask him/her the genre that they like and buy/or get a book from the library.
2. The book, must not be, more than 100 pages.
3. Read everyday.
4. Read aloud.
6. If there are other children in the home, let them all sit and listen to the story.
7. Let your child know that you will be reading together.
8. You start reading first.
9. It does not matter what the story is about – you could make it exciting and interesting by the tone of your voice and also by your actions.
10. Read the first page then ask your child to read aloud the second page.
11. Do not stop your child while he/she is reading. Let him/her continue reading.
12. When your child ask you to stop reading, you may do so, but if you feel you should continue, say to him/her. “I like this story. May I read a little more?” In most cases they would say yes… Read a little more then tell your child you would continue the story the next day.
13. Ask your child his/her opinion of the story. This is your moment to spend quality time together, to share thoughts, ideas and experiences with each other.
14. If your child needs to point at the words in the book to read, it’s okay to let him/her do that.
15. If you are tired say to your child. “I am tired, but I want to hear the story. Can you please read to me? Let him/her know that you truly want to hear the story.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

“A Compulsive Shopper”

“Every time I call your cell phone, you are out shopping.”
“You call me at the same time every Friday and you know on Fridays I treat myself nice.”
While I was speaking to her, someone was trying to get her attention. She told me to hold on so I waited and listened to the conversation.
“We just got these boots. They come in black, brown and burgundy.”
“Those are nice. Please bring me a size 7 in brown,” said my friend then she started talking to me. “Girl, Susan just showed me a 4 inch stiletto heel boots. I am going to buy me a pair.”
“The sales rep. I am going to buy me something nice.”
“Okay, but do you need another pair of boots? You know you said that you were going to start saving?”
“I know but…” She was interrupted by another sales rep. “This handbag would be ideal to go with those boots.”
“These jeans and this blouse,” said yet another.
“You know what guys. You all know my size and taste in clothes so just bring me whatever you know I would buy.”
I waited for her to start talking but there was silence for a moment. Then, I hear her talking to the sales rep… “I am working hard for my money so I can spend it if I want too. My friend is trying to talk me out of shopping.”
“I hate when people do that,” said one of the sales rep… I hung up the phone…

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

“O Perfect Love”

I was singing ‘O Perfect Love’ and a friend said there is no perfect love… I disagreed. Perfect love burns inside and it is rekindled the moment you see the one you love. The joy is unexplainable.
If you can communicate, if you know when to shut up… That’s perfect love in a nutshell.
You come home for that last piece of cake and it was eaten… You smile and say, “that’s okay.” although deep down inside you are pissed. Your most expensive cherished item is ruined, but you say don’t worry about it sweetheart, although in your mind you are saying “damn!” That is perfect love…

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

“My Biography”

The sun is shining and the sky is clear, all the lights are on, but ‘ONE’ hopes that I am sitting in the dark. It is all coming clear to me. The writing is on the wall. Someone out there is writing my biography and I know who he is. He did not ask me for any information, but he is telling my history in his own words… Oh what a fictitious tale he is telling. I am watching and waiting… just giving him all the rope he needs. As the old Trinbagonian folks always say, “One day, one day Congotay!”


SPRING!!! In your dreams... It's going to snow tomorrow... some places will get ice rain... hmm

Monday, March 21, 2011

“One Moment Of Fun”

One moment of fun could be a lifetime of joy or a lifetime of heartache…
A friend once told me that a woman with a nice body doesn’t guarantee great sex. He said that men who fall for these type of women see better than they think.
Another friend told me that the sexiest part of a woman is her mind… She can take you to the mountaintop then cascade you down into the valley of love…

Sunday, March 20, 2011

“I Remember”

I remember how kind people used to be. Kindness is few-and-far-and-in-between. I remember when adults disagree and their children did not know that the adults were having a disagreement. Now children are in the middle of it... They add their two cents.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

“The Love Moon”

Heard my parents say that the moon controls the sea. Tonight–3/19/2011, the moon will swing around Earth more closely than it has in the past 18 years. The tide is going to be high. Some Astrologers are calling it a bad moon, a troubled moon. For me it’s a love moon. I can picture my loved ones and me, in Trinidad &Tobago, standing outside looking up at this huge moon. We would stay out all night until the crack of dawn, talking and laughing. Just enjoying this time that is saturated with love. I actually miss my father. He was a romantic for moments like these. If the moon was in eclipse he would wake us up to go outside to see it. On the first day of the year he would wake us up ten minutes before twelve to go outside. His reason; you must never let the New Year meet you sleeping and/or inside your home. On a night like this he would be the first one to say, “let’s go outside…

Friday, March 18, 2011


My daughter bought a big Hershey Cookies and Cream Chocolate. She took a piece then put the rest in the refrigerator. One thing with her she is a slow eater when it comes to her snacks. Her other snacks we always leave alone, but this was Chocolate... hmm. Chocolate is one thing my husband and I have an addiction too so it wasn't our fault. We left it alone for three days then I took a piece. Now I would not say how big the piece was... I did not see when he took his piece, but last night; which was three days after we ate it she went to the fridge and exclaimed... What! Look at the small piece of chocolate! Who ate my chocolate! Her brother said, "Don't look at me. You know if it was Milky Way then you could point at me." She looked at me... "Mom it's you!" I looked at her, did not answer but tried to keep a straight face...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

“A Beautiful Nostalgic Moment”

A nice brightly lit sky… The sun shining in all its glory… I remember a day like this… Was standing in line, just before dawn, at Piarco International Airport in Trinidad. I was with some friends waiting to get on a flight to Tobago. The weatherman said that it was going to rain. We didn’t care; we got on the plane to Tobago. When the plane landed, we headed to Pigeon Point Beach. The sun came out, and by midday it was blazing in a cloudless sky… Not one drop of rain. We spent the day on the beach… What a fun day it was… Went to Buccoo Reef, snorkeled, then we swam in Nylon Pool… After all the swimming, we ate curry crab and dumplings… Nostalgia is coming at me full blast. I’m looking through the window and I’m thinking. “O what a nice sunny, warm day it is for the beach…” Ha! I’m only dreaming. It’s cold like hell out there!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

“Just FYI”

This year we’re going to experience 4 unusual dates 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 and that’s not all. Take the last 2 digits of the year in which you were born – now add the age you will be this year, and the result will be 111 for everyone! For example- Harry was born in 1957 and 57 + 54 = 111 good eh!
This is the year of Money! This year October will have 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays and 5 Saturdays.
This happens only every 823 years. These particular years are known as ‘Moneybags’

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"I Don't Lie"

What is truth... Why is it so hard to speak it... A lie comes easy.... but then you are faced with the embarrassment of being exposed to the truth... Why tell the lie in the first place... I don't lie... hmm that was easy to say, but then I write fiction.

Monday, March 14, 2011

"Another Day"

Thank God for making me see another day... I know what I am faced with so far as the day is progressing.... I don't know what you are faced with but all I can say to you is... Fear not stand your ground and you would see the victory the LORD will win for you today. The LORD himself will fight for you, you have only to keep still. Ex. 14:13-14

Sunday, March 13, 2011

“Daylight Saving Time Is Here Again”

I feel as though a man blindfolded me, picked me up, turned me around, put my feet back on the ground, my stability all over the place, so I couldn’t see what he was doing…He spiral the clock an hour ahead… I really don't like it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

"If You Feel Like Crying"

I just don’t know why I turn on the television… Every day there is a sad story. Yesterday it was about the devastation in Japan… Haiti is still suffering… A tour bus crashed this morning coming from the Mohegan Sun Casino... 13 people died, some critical and many injured... If you feel like crying turn on the television and look at the news…

Friday, March 11, 2011

“No Room For A Blind Man”

He stood in the doorway with two bags in his hands, because he was leaving her.
“I am an important business man and I cannot be with a woman who is not on my level. The woman I am seeing has a master’s degree and she is a CEO.” She hid in a corner eavesdropping. Her mother was crying and begging her father to stay but he was adamant. The woman was sitting outside in her car waiting on him. Suddenly, there was a loud gasp outside. “Why did you do that?” she asked. Her father ran out of the house and they followed him. He grabbed onto her brothers. One of them was eight years and the other was ten. The eight year old threw a hand full of stones at the woman’s car.
“Which one of you did it?” Her father asked, but they didn’t answer. He started shouting at them then the ten year old said that he did it.
“Do you see what you did? You damaged her car. You are a wicked and destructive child!” He slapped him then turned to their mother. “I can no longer live with you and these children! Goodbye!” He took up his bags and left. Her mother’s tears flowed for a little while longer then she wiped her eyes, took a deep breath and stopped crying. That was the last time she saw her cry. Her father sent money every month. She felt that her mother should use the money, but she saved it, started working then bought a house. After they moved in and settled down, the woman pulled up in front of the house with her father and called out to her mother... “Mrs. James, come outside and get your husband. There is no room in my life for a blind man.” Her mother went outside and took her father’s hand and brought him into the house. He was crying…

Thursday, March 10, 2011

“Wishing For The Impossible”

Through her eyes her friend was living the most perfect, life. A beautiful home, four brilliant children and a husband, who adored his family, was the kind of home her friend had. She visited them as often as possible and they were all welcoming. Her excitement grew about how to accomplish the task of becoming the wife and mother of this home. Many ideas ran through her mind, but after thinking them over she knew they wouldn’t work. Her friend and her husband were inseparable. An idea came to her and she knew it was her best option and she wished for it to happen… Her friend should die. If it happens, she would make her move on the husband. She honestly felt comforting him during his time of bereavement would be heavenly. Time was going by and her friend was still living the happy life so she decided that she had to make a move as soon as possible. The moment her friend left for a business trip, she arrived on their doorstep with a bag of food…

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

“Don’t Tell Anyone”

She was my sister’s best friend. Her aunt phoned me and told me that she was very sick.
My first response was, “Oh no! Is she going to be well soon?”
“About a year ago, she was diagnosed, with a deadly disease, but she is doing a lot better,” she said.
I did not ask for details of the disease, but I said, “I am sorry to hear that. I will keep her in my prayers.”
“Thank you. Please do, but don’t tell anyone because she doesn’t want anyone to know. Not even your sister.”
I was upset. How could I talk to my sister, day in and day out and not tell her? Every day, I hoped that someone would tell her. One month went by and my sister still did not know. I was thinking that I should tell her and mentioned that her friend doesn’t want anyone to know, but I didn’t. A week later, her aunt phoned me. She said, “I have some bad news. My niece died this morning.”
“Oh my God! You told me she was doing a lot better!” How could I tell my sister that her best friend died and I knew months ago, that she was ailing?”

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

“Disasters Change Attitudes”

I was out shopping with my children and after we bought what we wanted we went to have lunch. We were having a great time talking while we ate. The lights suddenly blinked and the place got dark for a moment. A sudden feeling of dread came over me and I said, “I think we should go home.” They weren’t finished eating their food, but they both agreed to leave. We left the mall and I asked them if we should take the subway or the bus, but before they could answer I said, let’s take the bus. While we were on the bus, I heard people saying that the lights are off. A woman said she went to use an ATM and it went dark. Another person said the same thing. One lady said that she was happy that she had a metro card so she could take a bus or the train. Another lady said that the trains are not running, and some people were stuck in the subway. It was a total black out and attitudes changed. Inflation hit real hard because of the blackout. At the food mart and some groceries, the price of most items, were doubled even tripled… Candles that cost one dollar were now two and/or three dollars. Many people had to take a taxi to get home and the normal five dollars cab-fare was now ten dollars or more… When disaster strikes, attitudes change drastically.

Monday, March 7, 2011

“A Long Answer”

“I don't like that,” said my son.
“What is it you don’t like?”
"I asked you a question and I know you could have answered yes or no, but as usual you have to give a long answer. Why do you always have to take a sentence and turn it into a paragraph?"

Sunday, March 6, 2011

“An Eventful Day”

Yesterday was an eventful day. I was faced with a lot of foolishness. Some of it was thrown out of my mind, as just hogwash. There were two situations that were also hogwash, but I had to label these to as claptraps. These two situations had me more flabbergasted and fuming. I felt as though I should slap the foolishness out of the perpetrators.
The day started and I felt good, thanking God for making me see another day. There were some things that I had to buy that were needed immediately. I walked from store to store on either side of the street, inquiring if they had the items. I got most of the items but there was one that I did not get. I was becoming anxious but I did not give up. I went into another store and I asked the casher. He put in the name of the item on the computer to check if they had it. I anxiously waited and hoped they did then he said, “We have it.”
“I said, “Yes! Can I have a pack?”
He told me to hold on then he started typing on the computer and I stood there for five minutes. I thought he was looking to see where the item was stored so I waited patiently.
“It’s coming on Monday,” he said.
“What!” I exclaimed.
“I just ordered it and they told me it would arrive on Monday. Take a looked at the order confirmation.”
I sucked my teeth and walked out of the store. This man had to be brainless.
As I walked along the sidewalk, fuming a woman passed me at a faster pace than my stride. She suddenly crossed in front of me pulling a backpack on wheels. We collided and I stumbled forward crashing into her… “You almost threw me down!” I exclaimed.

Friday, March 4, 2011

“A Spooky Night”

One full moon night, we were sitting in the yard. The sky was full of twinkling stars. My dad was talking about his life as a young boy. He said that his cousin died and he went to the wake. At nights, the area they lived gets pitch black, but after a while, your eyes adapts to the dark. Before he left home, his mother told him after he paid his respect, he must not tell anyone that he was leaving the wake.
“Why?” he asked.
“Your cousin’s spirit is still around his home, so it will follow anyone who says that they are leaving. Don’t come home tonight if you did. Spend the night at the dead house.”
He left home at five thirty that evening. The area was dark, but he rode his bicycle at nights so it was not a difficult journey. Many of his relatives and friends were at the wake and he conversed with them. He stayed for a while, then he told his aunt and uncle that he was going home. About twenty minutes after he left, he suddenly heard something moving through the trees. It sounded like an animal clawing through the bushes. He rode as fast as he could. When he got near to his home he shouted, “Mom! Open the door! Open the door!” As he got closer, he saw the door was still closed, so he continued shouting for her to open the door. He got off his bicycle, dropped it in the yard and ran up the steps. As he was about to bang on the door, his mother opened it and he fell inside. She closed it. The thing was now clawing the front door.
“You told them you were leaving?”
“I told you not too. Now your cousin followed you home. You have to go back.”

Thursday, March 3, 2011

“A Cleansing Conversation”

A cleansing conversation rejuvenates you and you are inspired to have a great day. After a conversation that is not cleansing, you feel tired, stress and it puts a damper on your day.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

“Turned A New Page”

There are times our Spirit is calm. Yesterday I had an important phone call to make, in order to obtain some documents to finish a project, which was due today. The person who answered my call was very polite. He told me that his company mailed out the information to me, but I can pick up a copy. I was happy about that, but then he said, “You can pick it up in 2 days. I did not have 2 days to spare, but in a calm voice I said, “Thank you.”
I hung up the phone and started to think about excuses I could make, for not submitting my project. No good excuse was coming my way. ‘What am I going to do?’ That was the question that was going around in my mind. I shrugged my shoulder and moved on to the next project. It was amazing to me how calm my spirit was. I felt as though I turned a new page in my life because under normal circumstances I would be disconcerted and the man would have gotten a speech…

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"A Sun Filled Day"

It's a beautiful sun filled day today... The sun is shining brightly there are no clouds in the sky at this moment, from where I could see the sky, but moments ago a thin lay of white clouds skated across the sky. There was a silver line at the edges of it... I guess that was my cloud... It is amazing that twenty-four hours ago the sky was cloudy and the area was dank. I am singing, Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day. I have a beautiful feeling. Everything’s going my way....