Thursday, March 18, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (128) His Donkey was a Smart Ass. A Story but True.

 Alfred did treat he donkey real bad. One day, he tie a rope round he donkey’s neck an’ then he tie de odder end of de rope round he waist. He stand up fixin’ a load of t’ings to put on de donkey’s back. De donkey was calmly eatin’ grass then it look up at Alfred. For a second, it kept lookin’ at he.        “Why de hell, yuh lookin’ at me?” Alfred ask.   De donkey stare at he, then it went on eatin’ grass. Alfred keep on talkin’ to de donkey, in a nasty way. De donkey look at Alfred for a minute, then it suddenly start to run real fass. It drag Alfred over de flat land, up de small hill an’ then down de hill. Alfred was bawlin’, buh de donkey did keep on runnin’. De rope did get tangle up round a grapefruit tree, so de donkey stop runnin’ an’ it look at Alfred. He was groanin’ real loud buh de donkey keep on lookin’ at he. De donkey then bend down he head an’ start eatin’ grass again like nothin’ did ever happen.

Alfred used to treat his jackass very bad. One day, he tied a rope around the jackass’s neck and the other end of the rope around his waist. He stood preparing a load to put on the jackass’ back. The jackass was calmly eating grass then it looked up at Alfred. For a moment, it kept looking at him.  “Why the hell, are you looking at me?” Alfred asked.       The jackass stared at him, then continue eating grass. Alfred continued talking to the jackass, berating it. The jackass looked at Alfred for a moment, then it suddenly started to run at a terrific speed. It dragged Alfred over the flat land, up the small hill and then down the hill. Alfred was screaming, but the jackass kept running. The rope got tangled around a grapefruit tree, so the jackass stopped and it looked at Alfred. He was groaning loudly but the jackass kept looking at him. The Jackass then bent its head and started eating grass as though nothing happened.


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