Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (118) Life used to be Simple and Safe.

Ah really did take life in Trinbago as easy come, easy go. When ah was in meh teens, ah was home alone. Ah was real happy bein’ home alone. Sleepin’ in de night wit de windows an’ de doors pull in was no big t’ing. Ah remember it had times when yuh go by de neighbor an’ nobody home, buh all de doors an’ windows wide open. Oh, how simple an’ safe life was in Trinbago. Today is a different story. Yuh hav’ to make sure yuh lock-up yuh doors an’ windows.

I honestly took living in Trinidad and Tobago for granted. When I was about 17 or 18, I was home alone for a week and I was very comfortable. Sleeping at nights with the windows and doors open was safe. I remember many people used to go out and leave the doors and windows of their homes open. Nobody would go into the house. Life was simple and safe in Trinidad and Tobago. Today, you have to make sure you keep your doors and windows secured.

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