Sunday, March 14, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (126) The Wonder and Bewilderment of Nature.

At de end of de road, there was 3 red an’ yellow poles. After de poles, there was a grassy incline dat leads to a swamp. It had green plants, grass, guppies, little conch, tadpoles, etc., in de swamp. Far away from de swamp, yuh could see a road an’ then de skyline. The plants start to bloom purple lilies dat had a trace of yellow. It was a nice picturesque view. De swamp does dry up in de dry season, so we use to play on it. At a certain time of de year, plenty black birds, does nest in de swamp. One day, somet’ing strange did happen in de middle of de swamp. A tall green plant start to grow up in de swamp. Weeks later, it start flowerin’ a bright red flower. De sunset hit de flower an’ de slight breeze blowin’ it make it look like a flame! When ah see dat ah did stand up in de road for a moment, spellbound by how nice it look.

At the end of the road, there were 3 red and yellow poles. After the poles, there was a grassy incline that led to a swamp. There were green plants, grass, guppies, little conch, tadpoles, etc., in the swamp. In the distance after the swamp, you could see a road and then the horizon. The plants started blooming purple lilies that had a tinge of yellow. It was a nice scenic view. During the dry season, a part of the swamp dries up and we used to play on it. At a certain time of the year, you could see hundreds of black birds nesting in the swamp. One day, an extraordinary event took place in the middle of the swamp. A large tall green plant sprung up. Weeks later, it blooms a bright red flower. The sunset hits the flower and the gentle breeze blowing it made it look like it was a flame! I stood in the road for a moment, mesmerized by the beauty.

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