Thursday, March 4, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (119) You cannot tell your heart who to love. Your heart is going to love who it wants to love, and how much it wants to love. Be true to yourself.

A jackass go always be a Jackass. It can say dat it is sorry, buh it eh go ever turn into a horse. When a racist get ketch rantin’ an’ ravin’ about black people dey does say dey sorry. Dey does act as though it is not dey fault an’ dey are bein’ taken advantage of. Sayin’ dat yuh sorry eh go to change yuh heart from its hateful dislike of black people. Ah feel if yuh is an adult yuh kno’ de story of bigotry done to black people. So, when you show an’ say yuh hateful ways of black people an apology do mean dat yuh suddenly like black people. Jeremiah 17:9. The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

A jackass will always be a Jackass. It can say that it is sorry, but it will never turn into a horse. When a racist gets caught in his or her racist rants etc., they usually apologize. They act as though they are a victim of their tirade. Apologizing is not going to change your heart from its hateful dislike of black people. I believe if you are an adult you know the history of discrimination inflected on black people. So, when you show and say your hateful belief of black people, an apology doesn’t mean that you suddenly like black people. Jeremiah 17:9. The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

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