Friday, March 5, 2021

Trinbagonians talk. (120) Eating a meal and taking food from another person’s Plate without asking for Permission. Me doh like dat.

One day when ah was real young, meh mudder, fadder, breddas, sistas, a visitin’ relative an’ me was sittin’ down by de table eatin’ lunch. Fry an’ stew red snapper, dumplin’, lentil peas, fried plantain an’ salad. When ah did get meh plate of food, ah was glad because ah did get a piece of red snapper tail. Ah cut off a piece an’ taste it. It did taste real nice, so ah plan to eat it last. Ah start to eat de other t’ings on meh plate. Just before ah get to de last piece of dumplin, de lentil peas, fried plantain an’ salad, de relative stick she fork on meh fry snapper, scoop it out of meh plate an’ put it in she plate. Then she say, “Why yuh eh eatin’ yuh fish. You children love to throw away food. Ah go eat it.” Ah watch dat relative eat meh fish. Ah did not say not’ing to she, buh ah was vex. Later dat day, ah say to meh fadder, “She did get she food, so why she was lookin’ in meh plate. Ah was leavin’ meh fish to eat last, buh she take it. She too greedy!”       “Ah kno’.” Meh fadder say an’ he start to laugh.

One day when I was very young, my parents, siblings, a visiting relative and me were sitting at the table eating lunch. The meal was Red snapper, dumplings, lentil peas, fried plantain and salad. When my plate was handed to me, I was happy because I got a lower part of the red snapper with the tail attached. I cut a little piece off and ate it. It did taste nice. Although I wanted to eat it all, I decided to leave it for last, so I started to eat the other things on my plate. Just before I was down to the last of the dumplings, lentil peas, fried plantain and salad, the visiting relative stuck her fork on my fried snapper. She took it out of my plate, and put it in her plate. Then, she said, “Why aren’t you eating your fish. You children love to waste food. I will eat it.” The relative sat down and ate my fish. I did not say anything to her, but I was annoyed. Later that day, I whispered to my father, “She got food, so why was she looking in my plate? I was leaving my fish for last. She is too greedy!”    “I know,” My father said and he started to laugh.

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