Sunday, July 10, 2016

This morning could have gone really bad but thank God it did not. Harold was outside waiting on someone, but we were talking on the phone. A woman asked him if he saw a child passed by. He told her no. She walked on. He asked me if I heard her. I said yes and it doesn’t sound right. It is 7:30 on a Saturday morning and hardly anyone would be out in this neighborhood.”
“Yeah. I have been standing here for about 15 minutes and she is the first person I have seen,” He said.
We continued talking then Harold said a little boy is running down the side walk on the opposite side of the street. Two people passed by, so Harold thought that he was with them. I started praying for this child, hoping he or she knows how to cross the street and would be found soon. A few minutes later the mother walked by and Harold asked her if the child is a boy. She said yes and he told her he saw a little boy running and he made a right on Beverly Road. She said thanks and she went in that direction. In the mean time two police cars were combing the neighborhood for him. Twenty minutes later the mother walk by with her son. She said that he is autistic so she pays a lot of attention to him. When she got up this morning she saw a chair by the front door, and when she checked the door it was opened and he was not at home. While walking she met someone who told her she saw a child walking on 16th Street. After the woman told her that she decided to go to Duane Reade and that is where she found him. Duane Reade is his favorite store.

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