Tuesday, July 26, 2016

On a personal note.

I believe that workers in Dunkinˈ Donuts have something against my husband. Hysterical! He always says to me, ‘Thing to cry or cuss about, you does laugh, but I remember the days when you used to cuss about shit.”
“I know but when you are praying and thanking God for your blessings you have to have a peaceful frame of mind.
Anyway some time ago I spoke about Harold going to a Dunkinˈ Donuts, asking the sales rep for 12 cinnamon raisins bagels. I was on the phone with him while he asked for the bagels. I even heard the woman repeated his order. When he got him, there were 12 plain bagels in the bag. He was pissed but I laughed and told him not to worry about it.
On Sunday while we were on our early morning walk we stopped at a Dunkinˈ Donuts. Although the Café we usually buy our coffee from and sit outside drinking it was close by, we went into Dunkinˈ Donuts. Harold ordered coffee then he asked the casher if there is a special offer on bagels.
“Yes, there is a special offer on 12.”
She explained what it was and he told her to give him 12 Cinnamon raisins Bagels.
“You want 12 now?”
“Yes. I want 12.” He looked at me and I smiled because I knew he would get aggravated.
The girl rang up the bill and he paid. He took the bill and handed it to me. I read it and saw she rang up 10 bagels, so I told him she rang up 10. He shook his head and I smiled. She was about to hand him his bag of bagels and he said, “You rang up 10 and I told you I wanted the special… 12.”
“Oh yes sir.” She said then she went back to the Cinnamon Raisins bagels and put two more into the bag.

He shook his head and I smiled…

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