Monday, July 11, 2016

'The Talk’
I had the talk with Paul when he was 10.  An African American man was shot by a white police officer and as usual the black man was wrong in the eyes of the law. Paul saw the video and he said that what they are saying is not what is on the video. I told him that is how it is done in this country. Police shoots the black man then he concocts a story to make the black man look like a criminal and he looks like an honorable person.”
“That is not right,” Paul said.
“I know it is not, but this is America. You are black and you will be stopped by the police whether you did something or did not.”
“Yes and if the police stops you make sure they could see your hands. If they ask you to see your ID tell them where you have and if it is okay to take it out. Wait for their response. If they tell you to take it out, make sure you do it slowly. Do not make any sudden moves.”
“You could be shot.”
I watched how his little face got flushed, but I was happy I did it because it was reality. After that first talk I kept reiterating the ‘Talk’ ever-so-often.
One day when he was 15 he was stopped while he was heading to school. At 15 he looked about 12 and the police officer was seriously asking him why he wasn’t at school. He told him he was heading to school and his class starts at 10 AM. After all the questions and his ID checked he was allowed to go. He said he was embarrassed… When Sarah turned 10 she got the ‘Talk’.

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