Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Best wishes to all the children who were successful in their exam. I wish you all the good things that life has to off. To all the children who did not pass; Best wishes to you and I wish you all the good things that life has to offer and remember; “IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD!” My father —God rest his soul, told me that  and he was right.
I did not pass the Common Entrance Examination and the world did not end. It is still here. I went to high school then I went to college. The only thing that did not make me do my Bachelors Degree in Social Work was my desire to write. Today I am a published author. That is my passion my gift and I love it.

Please ignore all the people who are making you feel that your child is worthless because he/she failed the exam. Put aside your hurt, embarrassment and the disdain that you feel towards your child. IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! Start working on the next chapter. Your child was blessed with; A talent... A gift... A passion so have a serious talk with him/her to find out what he/she likes to do and get them involved in It. Learn a trade. A BLUE COLOR WORKER ALWAYS HAVE A JOB!

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