Saturday, July 30, 2016

Count your blessings!
Freely give, freely receive!
Blessed is the giver… Grateful is the receiver!
Those who give should never remember and those who receive should never forget! — Unknown Authors
I don’t believe that I was put on the earth to count your blessings so when I give you something I let it go. I don’t talk about it… I don’t harbor on it.
I know that I am here to count my blessings and that is what I do.  

Enjoy your day and be safe.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Do you remember the book, ‘Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss’? Well that book has some very interesting herbs that really work. I remember when I was pregnant with Paul, my niece Sherrie told me to drink Raspberry tea. She said that it helps strength the baby and also speeds up delivery. I did not believe the speed up delivery part. Anyway I got my Back to Eden book and read up about Raspberry tea. It did say that and a lot more so I started drinking it. It worked real well. I started labor with no pain and my doctor said that I need to feel pain so they could determine when I was ready to deliver. The pain started and one and a half hours later I had Paul. With Sarah I drank raspberry tea and I had 1 hour 45 minutes labor. Raspberry tea is the best.

I hope you are having a nice day.  

Thursday, July 28, 2016

My father used to say, “No woman walks away from anything that is good.”

In most situations a woman knows when her man is cheating. She is just staying calm buying time to walk away. When she walks away she is not coming back. All you men who think that you are ‘cock of the walk’ and you need to pull down your zipper in more than one home think again.
I remember when I was a little girl every evening I used to hear a man talking very loud all night into the wee hours of dawn. He used to say, “If I know you would ah leave me, take mih children and go, I would ah treat you and the children better. Anybody, if you know where she is, tell her to come back. I will treat her better.”
Pay attention to your home first, don’t wait until she walk away to decide to treat her better.

Have a nice day and be safe.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. ― Mark Twain (1835-1910)

Some men and woman are fighting age. Upset that they are getting older. Wasting time, worrying about things that you have no control over, is stressful. Every day, every minute, every second is an added moment to our life span. You cannot change it so why worry. Don’t let life pass you by without enjoying the good things that it has to offer. Enjoy each moment. God gave you another day say thank you God for blessing me.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

On a personal note.

I believe that workers in Dunkinˈ Donuts have something against my husband. Hysterical! He always says to me, ‘Thing to cry or cuss about, you does laugh, but I remember the days when you used to cuss about shit.”
“I know but when you are praying and thanking God for your blessings you have to have a peaceful frame of mind.
Anyway some time ago I spoke about Harold going to a Dunkinˈ Donuts, asking the sales rep for 12 cinnamon raisins bagels. I was on the phone with him while he asked for the bagels. I even heard the woman repeated his order. When he got him, there were 12 plain bagels in the bag. He was pissed but I laughed and told him not to worry about it.
On Sunday while we were on our early morning walk we stopped at a Dunkinˈ Donuts. Although the Café we usually buy our coffee from and sit outside drinking it was close by, we went into Dunkinˈ Donuts. Harold ordered coffee then he asked the casher if there is a special offer on bagels.
“Yes, there is a special offer on 12.”
She explained what it was and he told her to give him 12 Cinnamon raisins Bagels.
“You want 12 now?”
“Yes. I want 12.” He looked at me and I smiled because I knew he would get aggravated.
The girl rang up the bill and he paid. He took the bill and handed it to me. I read it and saw she rang up 10 bagels, so I told him she rang up 10. He shook his head and I smiled. She was about to hand him his bag of bagels and he said, “You rang up 10 and I told you I wanted the special… 12.”
“Oh yes sir.” She said then she went back to the Cinnamon Raisins bagels and put two more into the bag.

He shook his head and I smiled…

Monday, July 25, 2016

Start your day thinking good things about yourself and your family. Don’t worry about the people who do not care about you. Remember not everybody is going to like you and vice versa.

Be kind to your child or children. Stop find fault, it makes you stressfully tired. Think about what you did and what you did not like when you were a child. You might be passing on the same things to your child or children. Just; be an honest to goodness person. Be loving and kind. You will feel a lot better.  A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Do not spend your day feeling sorry for yourself and worrying about the things you cannot change. If you can change it then change it and move on to the next chapter of your life. Life is too short to worry.
Thank you God for making us see another day. Thank you God for giving us our daily bread. Thank you God for not leading us into temptation. Amen.

You are reading this so just say, “Thank God.” A wonderful safe day to you and yours. Enjoy and be safe.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Some people love to tell a story and the story is sometimes a real story, but you should be aware of those characters… Nine days after the first story, their next story is going to be about you.

And life is good. Live it, love it, enjoy it, and be safe.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

People Want You To Be Happy

People want you to be happy.
Don’t keep serving them your pain.
If you could unite your wings and free your soul of jealousy, you and everyone around you would fly up like doves. Rumi Daily Readings.

I hope today is a better day for you. Enjoy and be safe.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

My father used to say, “Heaven and hell is right here on earth.” I believe that because when you do something good your heart feels overjoyed.. You are in heaven. When you do something wrong you feel disappointed … guilty. As my husband always says, “A guilty conscience doesn’t need an accuser. You conscience already have you in hell.”

Enjoy your day and be safe. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

History repeats itself. It is amazing how they cannot come up with an idea of their own. She could deny it as much as she wants, but every thing is being photographed and recorded. The cameras and tape recorder doesn’t lie. I expected her to plagiarize. They would eventually say that the person who they stole from is the one who plagiarized them. And life goes on in America.

As the old Trinbago folks used to say, “What monkey see monkey do!” Enjoy your day and be safe.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Quotes I like
Many good sayings are to be found in holy books, but merely reading them will not make one religious.Ramakrishna (1836-1886)

God is in all men, but all men are not in God; that is why we suffer. — Ramakrishna (1836-1886)

One must be very particular about telling the truth. Through truth one can realize God. —Ramakrishna (1836-1886)

Unless one always speaks the truth, one cannot find God Who is the soul of truth.Ramakrishna (1836-1886)

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Breaking News on a Sunday morning and it is not good. Peacefulness is no longer the norm. The devil is in the mix full blast. A sad, sad situation. LORD we need police officers to protect and to serve.  

3 police officers were shot and killed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and 3 others injured. One of the gun men was killed and two are on the loose. I don’t know the reason for the police being shot, but another set of families are crying. Sadness is all over the land. Some people are selfish and hateful. SCARY!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

What can I say? I woke up to see another day and I thank God for that. I am happy and I am not going to let anyone disturb my Spirit. I am just going to live my life and enjoy in too.
You should do the same. Ignore all the, ‘them say and they say’ you heard about yourself. Stressing about it gives it life. Just remember that the people who do things like that are supposed to do it. Judas was destined to betray Christ so I believe they are destined to talk and discredit people. Don’t be mad at them, pray for them. Another thing is that they will talk about you for 9 days then after that they start on someone else.
Life is good, love it, live it and enjoy it too.

Friday, July 15, 2016

LORD, please have mercy on humans. They are heading down a road towards destruction. The red rag in some people mouth needs scrubbing thoroughly with Baking soda and then washed out with blessed water. After that all disheartening words would not come out of their mouth.  
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are fooled than to open it and remove all doubt. ― Mark Twain (1835-1910)
“The fool takes no delight in understanding, but rather in displaying what he thinks.” Prov. 18:2
A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Rudy Giuliani said something about Black Lives Matter and he upset many of us, but for a moment I thought about him and I realized he was in the shadow. Now he said something and he is in the light… Hurray Giuliani, good for you, people talking… A name chatting about, around the globe so I have to say, “The fool takes no delight in understanding, but rather in displaying what he thinks.” Prov. 18:2

Monday, July 11, 2016

'The Talk’
I had the talk with Paul when he was 10.  An African American man was shot by a white police officer and as usual the black man was wrong in the eyes of the law. Paul saw the video and he said that what they are saying is not what is on the video. I told him that is how it is done in this country. Police shoots the black man then he concocts a story to make the black man look like a criminal and he looks like an honorable person.”
“That is not right,” Paul said.
“I know it is not, but this is America. You are black and you will be stopped by the police whether you did something or did not.”
“Yes and if the police stops you make sure they could see your hands. If they ask you to see your ID tell them where you have and if it is okay to take it out. Wait for their response. If they tell you to take it out, make sure you do it slowly. Do not make any sudden moves.”
“You could be shot.”
I watched how his little face got flushed, but I was happy I did it because it was reality. After that first talk I kept reiterating the ‘Talk’ ever-so-often.
One day when he was 15 he was stopped while he was heading to school. At 15 he looked about 12 and the police officer was seriously asking him why he wasn’t at school. He told him he was heading to school and his class starts at 10 AM. After all the questions and his ID checked he was allowed to go. He said he was embarrassed… When Sarah turned 10 she got the ‘Talk’.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

On a personal note. The life of one black mother and her son... Me.

Paul used to go out on Friday nights. Winter, spring, summer and fall. He use to meet with his friends. (He has an international group of friends. Haitian, Chinese, Native American, American, Trinbagonian and Vietnam.)  From the moment he left home I used to remember the teenage years when he left home, I would be worried but he was always home before eleven at nights. He hit 22 and he would come home the next day. The first time he did it I was worried and I told him to call to let us know he would be home late. He did at times and when he didn’t I used to be worried. I would call him and he didn’t answer. I couldn’t sleep so I watched TV all night. His father would ask every now and then, if I heard from him and the answer was always no.
One Friday night when he was out he called around twelve thirty. They were in China town having dinner at a Chinese restaurant. While he was talking to me I could hear lots of laughter. I knew he was okay so I told him that I was hanging up, but to call when he was on his way home. After he hang up I decided I was no longer going to stay up and be worried about him, I was going to leave him in the hands of the LORD and go and sleep. That night I fell asleep and got up three thirty. When I was walking towards his bedroom, I was wondering if he was home because he did not call again, but the moment I got to the corridor, I saw his tee shirt and jeans on the floor then his sneakers by the front door. I was happy he was home but the clothes on the floor were a problem. I picked them up and was saying to Harold that I have to speak to him about that when he got up.
Harold said, “Be happy that he is home and safe and he did something to make you smile and not cry. For three weeks he hasn’t been out. He said that he is not in the mood… too much craziness out there at nights.

This morning could have gone really bad but thank God it did not. Harold was outside waiting on someone, but we were talking on the phone. A woman asked him if he saw a child passed by. He told her no. She walked on. He asked me if I heard her. I said yes and it doesn’t sound right. It is 7:30 on a Saturday morning and hardly anyone would be out in this neighborhood.”
“Yeah. I have been standing here for about 15 minutes and she is the first person I have seen,” He said.
We continued talking then Harold said a little boy is running down the side walk on the opposite side of the street. Two people passed by, so Harold thought that he was with them. I started praying for this child, hoping he or she knows how to cross the street and would be found soon. A few minutes later the mother walked by and Harold asked her if the child is a boy. She said yes and he told her he saw a little boy running and he made a right on Beverly Road. She said thanks and she went in that direction. In the mean time two police cars were combing the neighborhood for him. Twenty minutes later the mother walk by with her son. She said that he is autistic so she pays a lot of attention to him. When she got up this morning she saw a chair by the front door, and when she checked the door it was opened and he was not at home. While walking she met someone who told her she saw a child walking on 16th Street. After the woman told her that she decided to go to Duane Reade and that is where she found him. Duane Reade is his favorite store.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Temptation has a nice ring to it when you say it. It has an enthralling feeling in your heart to do it. I have never seen or heard a good outcome from anyone giving in to temptation. Heartbreak and tears goes hand in hand with temptation. Make sure if you give in to temptation you can live with the remorseful feelings that follow.
Enjoy your day and be safe.

Friday, July 8, 2016

You hate or don’t hate black people, you can buy a gun legally.
You mad or you not mad, you can buy a gun legally.
You are an adult or you are not an adult, you can buy a gun legally.
You hate humanity or you love humanity, you can buy a gun legally.
Everybody in Texas have a gun. Guns were invented to kill and that is what people are doing with it… KILLING!
Guns bring out the devil in you. It makes you have no regards for life. The right to keep and bear arms takes America back to the days of the Wild, Wild West! No where is a safe …especially not safe for black people.  Although you have your personal life situations day in and day out you have to add more stressful situations to you stressful life. You have to worry about the Police officer who is trigger happy and his demonic urge tells him to shot a black person, we have to worry about that evil eye racist who decides he has to attack and kill a black person and we have to worry about the mere criminal who is out to do his wicked deed.
Life has become all about guns and how easy it is for a demonic soul to get one… legal or illegal. He or she now feels powerful shoot to kill
12 police officers were shot in Dallas, Texas. Five died and seven injured. “LORD have mercy!”

Thursday, July 7, 2016

A police officer’s duty is to PROTECT and SERVE the general public, but the majority of them focus on killing black men. Harming and oppressing the black men is no big thing to them because they are protected by the law. The United States of America is not a bed of roses for the black man. I worry about Harold and Paul. I pray for all black people…
A blessed night to you and yours.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

You are wondering why things are not going the right way for you. Nothing you do to help yourself is working out and you are stuck in a rut. Think about yourself and the measure you give daily. Think about the one little lie, insulting, and hurtful thing you did to someone. The measure you gave is coming back to you. Stop wondering what the other person did or is doing; think about what you are doing and what you should do to make your life better. A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Best wishes to all the children who were successful in their exam. I wish you all the good things that life has to off. To all the children who did not pass; Best wishes to you and I wish you all the good things that life has to offer and remember; “IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD!” My father —God rest his soul, told me that  and he was right.
I did not pass the Common Entrance Examination and the world did not end. It is still here. I went to high school then I went to college. The only thing that did not make me do my Bachelors Degree in Social Work was my desire to write. Today I am a published author. That is my passion my gift and I love it.

Please ignore all the people who are making you feel that your child is worthless because he/she failed the exam. Put aside your hurt, embarrassment and the disdain that you feel towards your child. IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! Start working on the next chapter. Your child was blessed with; A talent... A gift... A passion so have a serious talk with him/her to find out what he/she likes to do and get them involved in It. Learn a trade. A BLUE COLOR WORKER ALWAYS HAVE A JOB!
God woke you up to see another day because he wants you to face life, live it and enjoy it so just say, “Thank you God for making me see another day.” Ignore all the jealous, hateful liars who look at you with envy streaming from their eyes. Shake them off from your spirit and do not give them the time of day.

Have a wonderful day and be safe.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th of July. Enjoy your day and be safe.
Ray Charles- America The Beautiful
America! America! God mend thine ev’ry flaw…

Sunday, July 3, 2016

People are asking me about my diet.

This is how I start my day after I brush my teeth. I drink a full glass of water… about 2 cups of water with lime or lemon juice (squeeze one lime or lemon in the water). Half an hour later I eat breakfast. 2 eggs boiled, or scrambled with onions, sweet pepper and tomato on cassava bread then I drink a full glass of water. I sometimes also eat peanut butter or cheese paste on cassava bread. I snack on; dates, cherries, apples, nuts, banana, watermelon, mango and orange, For lunch I eat meat, fish cooked any way… vegetables beans, peas, quinoa, green fig, green plantain, sweet potato, dasheen or yam. I drink a glass of water and I also drink a glass of coconut water or a glass of pomegranate juice. For dinner time, I have a cup of Celestial Wild Berry Tea, cassava bread without anything or I might use a little peanut butter.
“A Happy Sunday to you and yours”
Oh gosh try a little kindness. It is not hard to do and when you do, do not say anything. Shut your trap.
The most hurtful thing is when someone gives you a helping hand and then they talk about it to others.
But remember that the receiver may feel hurt, but know that your hurt falls on the giver. The giver will not receive a blessing. 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

A year ago I used to have very bad knee pains. My knee used to sometimes buckle under me and throw me down. Today, I have no aches and pains. I don’t even get headaches. The last time I saw my doctor, he asked me if I do not suffer with high blood pressure. I told him no. One day when I arrived at his office, he took my blood pressure. After he spoke to me and as I was about to leave his office, he took my blood pressure. He got the same normal reading that he got the first time. I had 2 MRI and the doctors who attended to me said that I was one of the calmest patients they ever had. I told them thanks but when I was in the MRI machine I opened my eyes and I felt I was locked into a very tight space. A bit of a panic attack was coming on, but I took a deep breath and started to say the Our Father prayer. I probably said it more than 100 times.
I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but changing my eating habits brought me to the no pain in my life.

A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Friday, July 1, 2016

There is a limit to what your mind, your heart, your body and your soul can take. It is not good to pretend that you are being treated well. Acting as though your significant other or even your parent/s etcetera; is kind and loving. Eventually you will crack. You will get a breakdown and that is one of the worst health crisis you can ever face… impairment of your mental faculties. Find an honest to goodness person you can vent too. In most case that honest to goodness person might be the little strange old lady you meet day by day. If she talks to you she would listen to your sad story. Do not hold on to heartache with a happy smile on your face as though you are enjoying life.

I wish you and yours, goodness, kindness, mercy and love. Have a wonderful day and be safe.