Friday, January 22, 2016

We are expecting a blizzard.

Last night the weather was in the single digits. I saw on the news some Social workers were walking the streets of New York City, looking for the homeless. They were trying to get them to go into a shelter. Some of them do not like the shelters because of the unsafe conditions. Those who did not want to go indoors were asked to go into the subway and get on a train.
A homeless man was sitting on the street. Some of the social workers coaxed him to get on a train. He agreed and one of them swiped a metro card and he went into the subway. (Hopefully he did get on a train.)
The social worker was then commended for getting the man to take shelter. She said it is not a hard thing to do. All people want is a kind word and to be treated like a human being. She is so right and I wish them the best. Right now it is 24ยบ Fahrenheit and it feels like below Zero Fahrenheit in some areas.

I hope you are in a warm place. Enjoy your day and be safe.

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